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[ALLY] VID File Requestor 1.0 Re:(3)

From: larry:ecotope at: 21-Sep-2000 9:21

Hi Carl You wrote:
> Yes, the dirs could use a sort as well. Do they currently appear in
non-alpha order on Windows? Yes, as I noted previously, the default order used by the operating system is "create date" and this appears to be the order in which the C-code underlying REBOL returns files and dirs. In Windows Explorer, files and sub-dirs are sorted lexicographically (dirs first, weird chars first). That is they are not displayed in their "natural" order. Currently
>>size? some-dir
returns the number of files in the directory, and
>>modified? some-dir
returns the creation date. So it would make sense to have sorting on these attributes as well. -Larry PS I read most of the code for file-req.r last night and continue to be amazed at the power of dialecting, especially VID.