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[REBOL] Re: about the benchmarks

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 11-Oct-2001 14:39

I will better repeat, that I am no port guru, but maybe I just understand something wrongly?: Maarten Koopmans wrote:
> Hi Gabriele, > > This is a common misunderstanding that I'll put in the FAQ. > > Polling is done on the client side! It merely checks if all data has arrived > on the client!
.. and that is imo what Gariele means - what does "polling" mean? Set-up of connection, sending data, closing the connection? It causes some tcp overhead imo, as establishing/closing connections each time means more packets on network ...
> What Rugby does: > > - You open a deferred request and get a ticket number. This is a non-blocking > , not-buffered port > - Whenever you 'poll' using result-ready? the client reads whatever data is > available, and checks if the message is complete. > > If the message is complete, result-available returns false, otherwise true > and you get the result by calling get-result. Put this in an event queue, do > the ordering of the messages correct and you have Gorimnb ;-) >
So, you close and establish connection three times. Wouldn't it be possible to keep first connection opened whole the time, and just perform inserts/reads on the port? Thanks, -pekr-