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[REBOL] Re: Opening a new blog about Rebol?

From: ale870::gmail::com at: 10-Nov-2007 15:52

Yes Henrik, I agree with you. Some popular languages have A LOT OF sites dedicated, but everyday many others are created. I think the only problem regarding Rebol popularity is: 1) it is not open source 2) Rebol Technologis (the company) does not make enough publicity, and does not support the people that try to spread the Rebol-word. I asked to a friend of mine to try to use (learn) rebol. She told me (she is a very good programmer) that she does not want to use rebol because... 1) on server-side there are MANY programming languages, and they are all free (and open source), like PHP, Pyhton, Perl, Java, ASP, c#, visual basic#, ruby, etc... So... why paying to use Rebol (since in server side, for example, DB is a must, and one cannot use DB (odbc, oracle, etc,...) if one does not buy command version. 2) client side: it could be great, but GUI is not yet at highest level (it is not the "best of breed"). I think rebol really needs a lot publicity since it is really a great language, but I think Rebol Technologies should have to "help" the people (aka "promote rebol") to use it, with a license that best fits the current market, considerring that their competitors are Python, PHP, M$, Ruby, Java & JavaFX, etc... However, I already saw your blog in the past weeks, and it seems very interesting. Now that I know who are you, I will put a link in my italian blog to your blog. If we link to eachother, we can also help eachother. I would be happy to do that. Great! I'm always available to any kind of collaboration! On Nov 10, 2007 12:49 PM, Henrik Mikael Kristensen <> wrote:
> > On 07/11/2007, at 17.42, Alessandro Manotti wrote: > > > Hello, > > > > I need a suggestion / opinion by you. > > Currently I have a blog (in italian language) to publish some Rebol > > news, > > but more focused on tutorials, tips & tricks, How-to, etc... > > I think it is interesting. For example I'm using our discusssion to > > extract > > useful information and publish them in the blog, like the trick > > about code > > optimization. In this way all italian people can gain more > > knowledge about > > this beautiful language. It is not very "famous" in Italy :-( > > > > I wanted to open a similar blog in english language, by simply > > translating > > my articles from italian to english. But since there are several > > other blogs > > in english, I don't know if it could be a good idea or not. > > I wish your opinion. > > > > More: do you think that a blog in english language containing > > tutorial is > > ok, or for rebol could be better using other tools (wikipedia, true > > internet > > site, forum, etc...). > > > > I haven't much time, but in order to fill articles in my italian > > blog ( > > I publish solutions, hints, etc... > > that I find > > in my real life, or solutions to some problems that other poeple ask. > > So I use it like a block note, to put solutions found to some specific > > problems (and sometimes I create full tutorials). > > > > Can I have your opinion? Do you think another site could be useful > > or not > > for Rebol? > > I think it's a great idea. I have a REBOL blog myself at http:// > but would like to see more "life" in the blog > area. A blog shows personal interest in the language and I started > mine to inform more people about the language and to give tricks and > tips on things that took me a long time to figure out. I don't think > there can be too many REBOL blogs. :-) If we link to eachother, we > can also help eachother. I would be happy to do that. > > -- > Regards, > Henrik Mikael Kristensen > > -- > To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to > lists at with unsubscribe as the subject. >
-- //Alessandro