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[REBOL] Re: Problems with RSP manual installation

From: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 22-Aug-2003 21:40

Jaime Vargas wrote:
>I am not using rebol-cmd and rebol-cmd-view. I just copied the >binaries and >the license key to the rebol directory and modified first line of the >rsp*.cgi >scripts to reflect this path: > >/var/www/cgi-bin/rebol > >and invoke the required binary. I know openbsd runs apache in a chroot >mode. Could this be the problem? >
Eventually. chroot is similar to cd, except there is no way back. / now points to the chroot-directory, not the real root. so, if apache runs chroot /var/www/ (just assuming), it sees all files prefixed with /var/www/ . so the "real" /var/ww/cgi-bin/rebol would be /cgi-bin/rebol for apache. (i expect you adjusted for that, since you got the rt-samples running, but..) -Volker