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[REBOL] Ready for REBOL/Core 2.6?

From: carl:rebol at: 6-Mar-2002 9:41

We are gearing up to release REBOL/Core 2.6. This is the same REBOL kernel used for REBOL/Link and REBOL/Serve (in IOS Express). It includes numerous bug fixes and a few new features. It is numbered as 2.6 (rather than 2.5.x) because it introduces a change in the interpreter to make it easier to deal with words and parens as data, and also allows the literal expression of the NONE, TRUE, FALSE, objects, series with offsets, and more (including SAVE and MOLD refinements for saving out in this new format). Before we release 2.6, we will be releasing an experimental version to give you a chance to test it for yourself, report serious bugs, and to give us a chance to write more docs on it... and perhaps add just a few more functions that we want to see (EXTRACT and my personal favorite, REMOVE-EACH). The experimental 2.6 will be released next week for Windows and Linux platforms. We will announce it here on this list and on our website. Sorry we've been so quiet recently. As you can imagine, there's been a lot going on in the world of REBOL. -Carl