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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/Core Docs, Appendix 1 Updated

From: AJMartin:orcon at: 14-Aug-2003 20:25

> The file [
"Paul" "Bunyuan" [paul--bunyuan--dom] "Grizzly" "Adams" [grizzly--adams--dom] "Davey" "Crocket" [davey--crocket--dom] ]I'm not American, but are these names spelled correctly? (I'm being nitpicky today...)
> A valid tag is any text that begins with an open angle bracket (<). >> type? <foo
** Syntax Error: Invalid tag -- <foo ** Near: (line 1) type? <foo :( Maybe it should read: A valid tag is any text that begins with an open angle bracket (<) and ends with close angle bracket (>).
>> type? <foo>
== tag!
>> type? <foo/>
== tag! There's no definition for refinement!. Andrew J Martin ICQ: 26227169