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  • Site search SITE DESIGN => was {Re: Re: License Question => site links}

 [1/2] from: jason::cunliffe::verizon::net at: 11-Mar-2002 1:51

> I wouldn't say that "overrules" the FAQ comments, as they're saying > much the same thing about View, as apposed to View/Pro. It's just > that View/Pro isn't mentioned in the FAQ, though obviously it should > be.
Carl Yeah you're right... I am a bit fired up today. Rebol is so much fun, but it scares to see what a low profile it has and how many 'holes' there are around its packaging. I'd like to help. Depite many good things which are on the site somewhere, I don't think is a very helpful presentation of rebol. The medium precedes the message.. RT should make the site as easy and clear as possible to people, since that is the message of REBOL. The inconsistencies and dign failures of the site now send unfortunate message [confusion poor navigation, out of date, lack of profesionalism, lack of faith/use of RT's own product]. In the vain hope someboday cares and is listening.. 1. I wish the site were built with REBOL, proud of it and showed how REBOL was being used. I wish it had a search tool in Rebol visible on every page. 2. The home page is now a poster for IOS. Fair enough, but the prominent default "TAB" in the header navbar is "Download". The TABS are pretty of of sync with the site now. IOS is a big-enough deal that it would propably be best to add one called IOS and group all those pages under there. .. much more I could say about this. 3. Pages are not dated. 4. There is no navigation such as "next", even though there are some clearly articles which have groupings. For example go to any page where IOS is mentioned. The various IOS pages are all fragmented. This is supposed to be commercial flagship.. better communications. No real explanation of the status of IOS reblets. Why do some have screenshots and a date, others say available now, others have no screenshot. Are they an idea, in progress, scheduled for autumn 2002? Is it not possible to at least put up draft screenshots for them and a proposed date/status. 5. Important link missing For example IOS a the top of should surely link its big heading and icon like the other items on the page? At themoment there is only tiny link IOS Express with paragraph. Given the effort RT is putting into IOS this is what I'd call careless-death-wish web design. 6. NEWS vs. What's new There is not much in the "News" as we know. hard times. people got their heads down busy. But there are changes to the site. But no way to know what they are.. Not a hard task for Rebol to track site changes, and render up-date "What's New" page with links? <mumblemumble> 7. Add your own suggestions.. its late.. oh well goodnight ./Jason

 [2/2] from: riusa:email:it at: 11-Mar-2002 17:17

> 1. I wish the site were built with REBOL, proud of it and showed how
> was being used. I wish it had a search tool in Rebol visible on every
> 2. The home page is now a poster for IOS. Fair
enough, but
> the prominent default "TAB" in the header navbar is "Download". The
> are pretty of of sync with the site now. IOS is a big-enough deal
that it
> would propably be best to add one called IOS and group all those
pages under
> there. .. much more I could say about this. > > 3. Pages are not dated. > > 4. There is no navigation such as "next", even though there are some
> articles which have groupings. For example go to any page where IOS is > mentioned. The various IOS pages are all fragmented. This is supposed
to be
> commercial flagship.. better communications. No real explanation of
> status of IOS reblets. Why do some have screenshots and a date,
others say
> available now, others have no screenshot. Are they an idea, in
> scheduled for autumn 2002? Is it not possible to at least put up draft > screenshots for them and a proposed date/status. > > 5. Important link missing For example IOS a the top of > should surely link its big heading
> icon like the other items on the page? At themoment there is only
tiny link
> "IOS Express" with paragraph. Given the effort RT is putting into IOS
> is what I'd call careless-death-wish web design. > > 6. NEWS vs. What's new > There is not much in the "News" as we know. hard times. people got
> heads down busy. But there are changes to the site. But no way to
know what
> they are.. Not a hard task for Rebol to track site changes, and render > up-date "What's New" page with links? > <mumblemumble> >
I think you are right. The previous points say the true. I totally agree with you! -- Prendi GRATIS l'email universale che... risparmia: Sponsor: Ti =E8 capitato di cercare un libro e non riuscire a trovarlo? E' attivo il servizio TrovaLibri di Clicca qui: