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Wanted: a Libmaster - no pay, but glory

 [1/22] from: carl::s::rebol::com at: 14-Sep-2002 15:28

Wanted: We need a Libmaster for the REBOL on-line library. For 5 years, I've done it, and not very well at that (I apologize - not enough time). I'm looking for someone who's diligent (and loves working on REBOL) to take it over. We can bounce ideas around, but the Libmaster will have full control over the library, how it works, change policies, postings, etc. The server will continue to be at, which has good backbone connections, so it's a good spot. I tell you I'm worried... because there are a lot of new people (e.g. a lot of young kids) who are interested in REBOL, but they find that a lot of the scripts in the lib don't work (because they are examples, not working scripts -- so they should be in an example section, apart from other scripts.) Also, I know that many of us, most of us, have dozens of scripts that are useful to others, and we need a reliable place to put them. So, please contact me if you have an interest! REBOL experience, of course, is required, and there's no pay for the job, but a lot of glory... major historic REBOL glory. ;) Thanks, -Carl

 [2/22] from: chalz:earthlink at: 14-Sep-2002 21:35

Heh. Why do I have a feeling that my recent post to feedback about a junk script in the library has something to do with this? ;) You know, I'd love to help, I have the free time and free bandwidth now for downloading and staying online, but I haven't the REBOL experience, I fear. Wish I did - this'd be fun. :/ --Charles
> Wanted: > > We need a Libmaster for the REBOL on-line library. For 5 years, I've done it,
and not very well at that (I apologize - not enough time).
> I'm looking for someone who's diligent (and loves working on REBOL) to take
it over. We can bounce ideas around, but the Libmaster will have full control over the library, how it works, change policies, postings, etc. The server will continue to be at, which has good backbone connections, so it's a good spot.
> I tell you I'm worried... because there are a lot of new people (e.g. a lot
of young kids) who are interested in REBOL, but they find that a lot of the scripts in the lib don't work (because they are examples, not working scripts -- so they should be in an example section, apart from other scripts.)
> Also, I know that many of us, most of us, have dozens of scripts that are
useful to others, and we need a reliable place to put them.
> So, please contact me if you have an interest! REBOL experience, of course,
is required, and there's no pay for the job, but a lot of glory... major historic REBOL glory. ;)

 [3/22] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 15-Sep-2002 11:43

Hi Carl, On Sunday, September 15, 2002, 12:28:53 AM, you wrote: CaR> So, please contact me if you have an interest! I cannot provide the amount of free time required to be the Libmaster; however I offer my help to anyone who takes up this job. :-) Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB:

 [4/22] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 15-Sep-2002 23:06

On Sun, 15 Sep 2002 11:43:32 +0200 Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> wrote:
>On Sunday, September 15, 2002, 12:28:53 AM, you wrote: > >CaR> So, please contact me if you have an interest! > >I cannot provide the amount of free time required >to be the >Libmaster; however I offer my help to anyone who
I think a lot of us are in this situation. Rather than have a single librarian, why not have a commentary system whereby anyone can post comments on a script within the library, and suggest fixes etc. Many view scripts broke with successive new releases of view, but they remain in the library. And for new scripts to be included, perhaps one could have a system whereby script submissions have to be vetted by a senior list member before it gets accepted. Otherwise it sits in the pending folder. -- Graham Chiu

 [5/22] from: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 15-Sep-2002 15:37

Hi Graham, On Sunday, September 15, 2002, 1:06:47 PM, you wrote: GC> I think a lot of us are in this situation. Rather than GC> have a single librarian, why not have a commentary system GC> whereby anyone can post comments on a script within the GC> library, and suggest fixes etc. Yup, but we still need someone to update and maintain the scripts that run the library. I think Carl is right in looking for one person that will take the responsibility of being the Libmaster. Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB:

 [6/22] from: a:none:email:it at: 15-Sep-2002 9:26

Have you seen the "cookbook" setup for Lots of good stuff, but you have a lot of sifting to do. The squeak Swiki, another community attempt at scripts and documentation, recently had to go to a passworded Swiki. I have time to offer, I just recently signed up to work the graveyard shift for a hosting company. Last night I installed Plan9 out of boredom. I think it`s a good idea, and with occasional assistance from the more senior persons, I think I could get things in good order. Let me know if you need me. Adrian Thiele

 [7/22] from: anton:lexicon at: 16-Sep-2002 0:01

Nobody is jumping so I maybe I should do it. I like the idea of senior "moderators" all having access, but I don't know if that could be a bit of trouble to set up. I have Link, and am imagining an IOS server could be set up to hold/manage the library so we are all synchronized. The public would still have access to the library the usual way. On the other hand, if a single libmaster exists, submission could go straight to his email address. I'd be alright with that, and er.. it wouldn't take as much setup time. Anton.

 [8/22] from: a:none:email:it at: 15-Sep-2002 10:45

I also have time and would love to work on it. Adrian

 [9/22] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 15-Sep-2002 7:35

> I think a lot of us are in this situation. Rather than > have a single librarian, why not have a commentary system
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> senior list member before it gets accepted. Otherwise it > sits in the pending folder.
Yes good idea. Recent threads on Vanilla/wiki and "browsable system object" suggest how this community library can be engineered and maintained, with final reviewer[s] as you suggest. ./Jason

 [10/22] from: athiele::charter::net at: 15-Sep-2002 6:26

Lib Master position

Hey , I`ve got a bit of time on my hands. I just started a graveyard sysadmin position at a hosting company and I`m so bored I just finished installing Plan9 on one of the servers. I would love to help out, I`m broke and bored now, so just broke would be an improvement. Carl email me back if I can help. Adrian Thiele [athiele--charter--net]

 [11/22] from: jason::cunliffe::verizon::net at: 15-Sep-2002 10:09

VSITE: Re: Re: Wanted: a Libmaster - no pay, but glory

Just been checking out Zope news. 'ZopeLabs' is a community script library/cookbook site. Nice pattern structure: Category: Title: Submitted by: Last Edited: Description: Source (Text): Comments: [multiple entries added via web form] For example: "Adding users using your own forms " The site [cookbook] is actually a Zope 'product' [that zopespeak for plugin/module/component] running on Zope of course. It is freely downloadable so Zopistas can learn/hack/improve it. Zope is based arounf the ZODB [Zope Object Data Base] which is published to web, objects and methods being accessible as standard URL. Sections of a Zope site including Zope 'products' can be imported and exported as single binary file [object] through the web. That allows one to transfer and install anything from a single GIR image up to complex collection in the ZODB's tree. This can scale to be an entire site. The process is the same. Translating this to REBOL and in particular Vanilla, it would be akin to import/export of a set of snips, dynasnips and perhaps Vanilla lib modules. For those not familiar with it, Vanilla snips are modular content files, each with implicit, but invisible .metadata files. I have been experimenting past few days manually transfering snips and dynasnips from on Vanilla site to another. Very nice. On my todo list now are some scripts to manage the job. For example: - publishing links of new snips to another site, - find and fetching [import] snips or links to snips from a remote site - reconciling matching names or user-id conflicts - chckcking snaip and dynasnip dependencies. Lik any translusion system, this can soon get hairy. But basic checks are simple and useful. The use of Vanilla for community web library might be helped by adding a new metadata field = 'cookbook:' and writing a dynasnip [or vanilla library script in /lib] as cookbook application with methods to manage snips with "cookbook:" metadata. That field might be configured as: cookbook: [ name: %cookbook.r url: id: 83823 ; a unique database-type value to act as content checksum and distinguish versions version 0.4.2 type: 'entry' [author--somewhere--org] category: ['cgi' 'forms'] comments: 5 downloads: 45 approved: 'pending' links:[other-snips-or-urls-here] ] Other cookbook meta-types might be: 'idea' ;idea for a script not yet developed 'comment' ;free seqential list of comments, tips etc. 'errata' ;versioning or other code specific variations/fixes 'article' ;An intro/essay/tutorial discusseing rebol technique and/or use of entries in the cookbook library 'example' ; other code which uses rebol library. For example progams using anamonitor, or View scripts using FTP, CGI or image processing. Cookbook code would be a combination of apps/index.r and apps/calendar.r Calendar is Vanilla's blog application and includes a basic comment structure. Blog entries are named based on date 2002-09-15.snip 2002-09-15.metadata comments-2002-09-15.snip comments-2002-09-15.metadata That makes it easy for calendar.r to find and link based on name and metadata. Cookbook snips might be named along similar lines. As you prbably know, I am big fan of Vanilla. I believe it makes an ideal platform for community rebol web-based library/cookbook. Being written in rebol it encourages developers to extend it. Vanilla makes a great showcase for Rebol to the rest of the world. This is important to promote and demonstrate rebol. If actions speak louder than words, the implementations convince where sales blurbs and evangelism cannot. It has a very elegant modular design which fits rebol thinking. Vanilla plays nicely with Dreamweaver, CSS, XML, SWF, etc.. It needs work and features, but is already serviceable. I believe several others are working towards similar goal [Petr?]. Let's work together... ./Jason

 [12/22] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 15-Sep-2002 12:31

Re: Wanted: a Libmaster - no pay, but glory

I imagine Carl will gather the public and private responses and make the call as to whether a single leader will head things up or a small team will do it. I think many of us are in similar positions regarding available time, so the concept of "many hands makes for a light load" would probably work well. Lots of areas to cover: submission processing, categorization, initial testing, regression testing (and defining those things that require human intervention to test), specialized testing (e.g. CGI scripts), content management and generation, tools, design and architecture, searching, viewers, etc. I think having a single project lead is probably a good idea, but they'll need support from others. It's a great opportunity to exploit REBOL in many different ways. We all know how easy it is for our "fun" collaborative projects to lose steam, but this is something we all want, need, and see the value in so, hopefully, we'll have enough oomph to build the initial momentum needed to get it rolling. As food for thought, what projects/systems can we use as points of reference, good or bad? ActiveState cookbook and Squeak swiki were mentioned. Adrian, could you make some notes on those (e.g. pros and cons)? Python has 'The Vaults of Parnassus': Perl has CPAN: Ruby has a few links at: Euphoria has a simple archive at: --Gregg

 [13/22] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 15-Sep-2002 16:46

> Python has 'The Vaults of Parnassus': > Perl has CPAN: > Ruby has a few links at: > Euphoria has a simple archive at:
Zope has 'ZopeLABS': Digital Photography has <==AWESOME good for content, features navigation and smart fast friendly HTML. Its useful to evaluate various features and criteria. 'Submit' and 'Community' are two important's my 0.02 for 3 sites I know and use. hth ./Jason =============================================== PYTHON
> Python has 'The Vaults of Parnassus':
Great site! - Integrity: 100% Developed in Python for Python. - Navigation: Fast and easy to navigate. Helped by clear colored hyperlink styling. Especially the 'bread-crumb' -style path on top left of every page. Easy to see where you are and jump back up the tree. - Structure: The site is not a home but a super directory. I believe the 'Vaults of Parnassus' database only holds pointers to module home pages and a little metadata needed. Does not store sources. - Database: not known - Search: Search is quick and useful. Available 24/7 every page - URL accuracy: This one area the Vaults could be improved a little. Since the site is just a directory for many external websites, it is hard to catch and store a URL reference on the site itself. An obviously it is not intended to be used like that. For example, the GAMES page is There's an entry "Crystal Space 0.14 - A free portable 3D engine written in C++, with python scripting support. <more>" When you roll the mouse over it shows the link for 'Crystal Space' as but clicking on it will redirect your browser to its source forge home at - Submit: Submit page is very simple. Nice option to autopost announcement to Python newsgroup. - Community: One-to-many model. 'The Vaults' are the *essential* contributed software resource of the python universe. But apart from submission form, there is no direct community activity, threaded comment, notes of feedback etc. All that is done on comp.lang.python and/or emails to authors or in local forums organized by the authors on their own sites. - Design: Simple distinctive 'gothic' concept. Minimal graphics to keep it swift and focused, but a little design thought goes a long way. Very legible. - Printing: [important to test and consider this. sorry no printer available right now.] - Authoring: One person design built and maintains. - Favorite feature: 'Latest' tab at the top. Best way I know to find out anything that's hot AND usable in Python. - Performance: Usually fast and very well maintained. Periodically off-line. There were database/server access problems occasionally in the past. That has been fixed now I think. Occasionally referred off-site links are down or dead [not the fault of Parnassus]. Over time these are flagged and corrected. =============================================== ZOPE
> Zope has 'ZopeLABS':
Integrity: 100% Developed in Zope for Zope. - Navigation: fast with multiple links. Typically not more than 3 clicks away from anything. - Structure: Simple tabs/menu built around a growing cookbook metaphor with related news and fast multiple indexes based on category, age, and popularity. - Database: ZODB, Zope's own built-in object database. - Search: - URL accuracy: Good. By database id number. Zope publish everything in its ZODB as a URL. For example: - Community: Participatory. Strong community resource among several. Registration + membership login unlock submissions, comments etc. That applies an intrinsic set of Zope features for handling fine-grained control of logins, sessions and permissions - Design: slightly cluttered minimal graphics, but very rich fast access from multiple places to the same information. Nice colored syntax. [note: TO my knowledge, There are no beautiful looking Zope sites -- all built by ultrageeks for ubergeeks. Zope is not artist-friendly. If only.. ] - Printing: [important to test and consider this. sorry no printer available right now.] - Authoring: One person design built and maintains. Zope has step learning curve. The site is both a way to give back to the community and a hands-on experimental learning/development project. Active site-membership and strong mailing list helps this. Zope changes constantly, so does the engineering supporting the site. A good demonstration of Zope, which was designed to do just this kind of dynamic web publishing. - Performance: Good. =============================================== REBOL =============================================== Integrity: uncertain.. The website surely uses some REBOL but no indication of how and where is given. Even if all sort of cool REBOL scripts are used to generate these pages, the end result is very poor self presentation of REBOL capabilities. Missed opportunity! The good news - it's easily remedied. - Navigation: Very crude:-( Too many clicks. No feedback. Depends heavily on browser 'back' button. The library might benefit from a unique server alias, such as - Structure: Flat HTML c.1993 Based on simple categories. - Database: not known - Search: None!!!! REBOL home page has a general search to get you one of many site pages, but nothing better focused than that for the library. Once on a page, you can use browser's own 'find' tool to zero in. - URL accuracy: Good. By regular text name. An old trusted advantage of raw minimal HTML site design is that every script can be referenced reliably by a unique static URL. Ironically, dynamic sites often have to work much harder to generate simple unique urls which can be reused by people for linking to their content. Here see for example: or That's great, because once found, you can tell someone fairly reliably where to get it another time. Unfortunately, there is no cross-link on the HTML version to the source file %timewebs.r - Submit: None. Since REBOL/View/Desktop is the proposed platform, the web presence for REBOL library is minimal. Through /View Desktop there is another community potential demonstrated, but still lacks essential features to be seriously useful. Both rebsites and the website lack feedback, search and versatile indexing tools. - Community: None. Lacks any on-site commentary, support, notes, stats or examples. Depends on mailing list. - Design: Clean minimal sans serif. Legible. More or less consistent with rebol docs and VID stuff. Black brown typography with duck-egg blue background highlight bars. - Printing: [important to test and consider this. sorry no printer available right now.] - Favorite feature: REBOL scripts are so small, and you can just cut'n'paste them right into the shell from a web page to run them. Yes! - Performance: Fast because it is simple. Your turn... - Integrity: - Navigation: - Structure: - Database: - Search: - URL accuracy: - Submit: - Community: - Design: - Printing: - Favorite feature: - Performance: ./Jason

 [14/22] from: al:bri:xtra at: 16-Sep-2002 11:19

Gabriele Santilli wrote:
> I cannot provide the amount of free time required to be the Libmaster; however I offer my help to anyone who takes up this job. :-)
Ditto from me. Andrew Martin -><- Andrew Martin

 [15/22] from: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 17-Sep-2002 10:31

Re: Lib Master position

Hi everybody, Sorry to be so sporadic by the current times, but I will be back soon on a more regular basis. As for this particular Lib Master position, I really think that manby of the emitted ideas are great and welcome since the "REBOL scripts library" is currently and will continue to be one of the main tools I use as a support for helping me to better understand REBOL - by example. I also want to offer some of my FREE time to get it done right and if I count well, up to now this accounts for 3 interested people having some free time to allocate for this "BIG" rework : Anton, Adrian and myself. Support from the seniors is acknowledged and welcomed too from me since I don't have a lot of experience with REBOL. So when do we begin ? And who wants to be the leader between Anton and Adrian - if nobody else is taking this open position and no other offering done by the ML or by the original submitter - Carl S ? The Anton's idea of setting up an IOS server for the task seems one of the best tools for exchanging. For example, the first steps could look like : 1- Name the Leader who will be responsible for the Lib Master Position; 2- Decide which are the tasks to be done and who will be responsible for each of them (communication between members, scripts receipt-revision-adoption-rejection by some committee or qualified individual(s), final documentation and classification); 3- Decide if a new structure of the reworked Library is needed ( I think it could be enhanced in some way : the categories used, the ID and description process of each of the submitted scripts - examples of the way to use them could be added); 4- Think of a new plan / tool to help submit /deploy WorldWide REBOL knowledge via Web Search Engines like Google, Altavista, Copernic, etc... (- some thinking has already been done on this subject recently from the ML.) ... Please be kind to add-retract-replace-rephrase in good English any of the above ideas. They are just points for helping us to start-up, to be used in addition to all the other ideas already submitted bu the ML members. I'm now ready to start... Regards, Gerard

 [16/22] from: ingo:2b1 at: 28-Sep-2002 19:21

Re: Wanted: a Libmaster - no pay, but glory

Hi Carl, what happened to the Libmaster position? We've had at least one person begging to be it on-list, and a few who promised to help out, but as there's been no new information on it ... I guess noone answered you directly, am I right? Well, this isn't a job application, but I'd volunteer to ask again, filter the answers, and send them on to you to decide. And if there's noone appropriate to be found: I don't have much time, don't feel fluent in Rebol, but would like to grow into the position. Kind regards, Ingo Am Son, 2002-09-15 um 00.28 schrieb Carl at REBOL:

 [17/22] from: rebologue:yaho:o at: 28-Sep-2002 12:51

Re: Wanted: a Libmaster - and a FAQ posse

--- Ingo Hohmann wrote:
>> what happened to the Libmaster position?
That's a good question. I hope the issue is still alive.
>> I don't have much time, don't feel fluent in Rebol, >> but would like to grow into the position.
Oh the modesty! Ingo, your scripting ability is more advanced than you admit. REBOL's complexity seems to scale with your ability, so maybe you never quite feel like a guru. /// FAQ Writers, step forward by this Tuesday Oct 1 Thinking beyond the library, I propose to lead an effort to create a much richer FAQ for REBOL. I admire the Javascript FAQ at ( ) and I think REBOL could benefit from a similar resource. In this vein, I've amassed roughly 1000 questions from messages on this list and other language FAQs. Most of the questions are newbie-level and have a web/HTML/Javascript perspective. They require clear, well thought-out answers. I've been disgracefully remiss about getting a posse together to tackle this. But shame has no value if it doesn't beget action. Any REBOLs with a flair for writing/editing documentation who would like to contribute time and expertise, please contact me directly no later than Tuesday, October 1. There is also a trusty-REBOLer with a hankering to write FAQ-builder script (output similar to IRT FAQ I mentioned). Gotta move fast, time is the enemy. Serious offers only. I will send out a reminder this Monday and start parcelling out work immediately. There will be a schedule, deadlines and a launch date, so no lollygagging! Pretty simple stuff, but long overdue. Regards, Ed

 [18/22] from: rebol:compkarori at: 28-Sep-2002 15:43

hi Ed, In case you need some more questions/answers, I have a core faq and vid faq on vidwiki, though I haven't been too diligent at adding to it. Like most things Rebol, we all work in isolation. rebsites/compkarori2/vidwiki or ios/developer/users/graham/vidwiki -- Graham Chiu --------- Original message -------- From: "Ed O'Connor" <[rebologue--yahoo--com]> To: "[rebol-list--rebol--com]" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Subject: [REBOL] Re: Wanted: a Libmaster - and a FAQ posse Date: 09-28-02 19:48 In this vein, I've amassed roughly 1000 questions from messages on this list and other language FAQs.

 [19/22] from: al:bri:xtra at: 29-Sep-2002 21:16

Ed wrote:
> Any REBOLs with a flair for writing/editing documentation who would like
to contribute time and expertise,... Can you put it on a Wiki somewhere? That way it will become better edited and rewritten almost automatically, as people use it and say to themselves, I know the answer to that! or, "hang on, that's wrong, I'll just change it". Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [20/22] from: rebologue:yaho:o at: 29-Sep-2002 4:42

Hi Andrew --- Andrew Martin <[Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz]> wrote:
> Can you put it on a Wiki somewhere?
Maybe. The first order of business is to do a good job answering the questions. We'll keep the data in a REBOL readable format so that we have lots of options.
> That way it will become better edited and > rewritten almost automatically, as people use it
Um... ideally that's what happens ;^). Hopefully we'll get a chance to see. For now, a basic, well written, well-organized FAQ is the goal. Thanks

 [21/22] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 29-Sep-2002 12:31

Hi Ed, In any case, make note of what works and what doesn't so, hopefully, those lessons can be applied to the library project when it gets going. --Gregg

 [22/22] from: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 30-Sep-2002 14:44

Hi Ed, You posted :
> /// FAQ Writers, step forward by this Tuesday Oct 1 > Thinking beyond the library, I propose to lead an
<<quoted lines omitted: 14>>
> expertise, please contact me directly no later than > Tuesday, October 1.
Sorry for the late answer but I'm now in the process of covering my house Roof by myself since last thursday - so my time is accounted for by now and for the next 2 weeks before I return to some week-end study until mid-december. But since looking at this ML and learning REBOL are two of my favorite "rest areas" - I promise you that I will do all my possible to review and hopefully answer by myself as much as I can of your 1000 questions. I already have thought about some of them for myself - not couched on paper yet however - since I go quickly to the Web or to the REBOL console to answer them as soon as they arrive. As I also planned to start a new Tutorial/book about REBOL for starters who want to look at some first programming language using REBOL as their first tool - I didn't forget you Tim about what you are doing with hi-schoolers in Alaska and I'll also contact you as soon as possible - this will be of some usefulness to me and many others too. This the part I was missing the most when I was starting, even if there is much doc on the REBOL web site in many forms. But what I wanted to get at hand was some kind of "goal or task related" index and searching tool. The "how-to" were the most useful parts as much as were the official docs. The new official DOCs are missing too much examples to accompany the formal description of the REBOL WORDS. I even found that the format of the older Official DOCS - those on the accompanying REBOL for Dummies book - are better looking and easier to work with. May be it is a matter of style or presentation since when I looked back at the new official DOCs I found almost the same information. May be some examples missing but not much difference. I have yet to look back at the diffs. however. I hope this new FAQ arsenal will overcome this small hole in part as much as the planned REBOL SCRIPTS LIBRARY will help too - for starters to use some already "partly" tested REBOL code as a basis for their work. So if you want me to begin review your FAQ and submit some answers when it will be possible, simply send your list to me. I am working on a machine hosted by a Win98 OS. I'm waiting more input from you as the leader of this project. Also the idea of submitting any question to a wiki has some already tested virtue but any other way will do - like any Conference or Forum on /IOS or Yahoo Groups. I also plan to work on a derived "help add-on" that could quickly put Parens around the parameters found in any (or most simple) line of REBOL coding. This has been discussed here in some other thread (see refs. from Gregg and Ladislav) and is what also blocked me at first try from quickly reading some already existing REBOL scripts - well may be I would have not understood the algo. in the first reading but at least I would have skipped the search for the right number of arguments in the first place !!! - and this is some BAD REMARK that arise VERY OFTEN from Outsiders or newbies that give up after some try reading some REBOL code. This simple tool - that also could be used as part of some "pretty lister" - could save REBOLers this too frequent (but nevertheless REAL) comment about REBOL coding "laziness" (read one of the last refs. from Jason about the outsider's view of REBOL - from Python coders and the like!). Regards, Gerard P.S. I will do my best regarding the following but don't wait for me if I can't get at it quickly enough for the others to do the Job. I'll comment them for the second revision if any is needed ...
> Gotta move fast, time is the enemy. Serious offers > only. I will send out a reminder this Monday and start > parcelling out work immediately. There will be a > schedule, deadlines and a launch date, so no > lollygagging! > > Pretty simple stuff, but long overdue.
I agree entirely with you !!!

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