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Rebol Marketing Site

 [1/3] from: depotcity:telus at: 6-Jun-2001 16:57

Hello fellow Rebols. I'm putting together a site for commercial rebol applications... (hey, it was just sitting there) A few general ideas bantering around... - Commercial outlet for your project(s) - Collaboration on future Rebol projects. - Function repository (free and commercial) - Structured Rebol educational platform. Any thoughts? Terry Brownell

 [2/3] from: john:schuhr at: 7-Jun-2001 21:05

I like the educational platform idea thingy.. maybe we could all contribute articles on varying topics? --John At 04:57 PM 6/6/2001 -0700, you wrote:

 [3/3] from: depotcity:telus at: 7-Jun-2001 18:45

It's all about support. But to get the support there must be some incentive. The most effective incentive is monetary incentive. There are Rebols out there that would gladly get paid to teach a class or two. I would have paid in the early stages of learning (considering some of my recent posts, may still be there) for clear, step by step, hold my hand and walk me through it type of instruction. It just speeds the learning curve and saves time. Terry Brownell