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Rebol/stats (was Re: Recycle)

 [1/3] from: larry::ecotope::com at: 14-Feb-2001 18:15

Hi Paul, You are welcome.
>You got me interested in how you new that /recycle was part of the
system/stats path. I highly recommend Doc Kimbel's help.r which will show you the help info for the rebol/stats function directly. It is at Just put in your user.r file. It gives this:
>> help rebol/stats
USAGE: STATS /pools /types /series /frames /recycle DESCRIPTION: System statistics. Default is to return total memory allocated. STATS is a native value. REFINEMENTS: /pools -- Returns: width units free-units units-per-alloc segments mem-in-use /types -- Returns: Datatype count /series -- Returns: total blocks strings other avail free expansions /frames -- Returns: total used unused free values-total /recycle -- Returns: count series-total series-last frames-total frames-last ballast
You may also want to use or study Carl's script in the REBOL library: which use rebol/stats to give a detailed print-out. You could also do this:
>> f: get in rebol 'stats >> source f
f: native [ {System statistics. Default is to return total memory allocated.} /pools {Returns: width units free-units units-per-alloc segments mem-in-use} /types "Returns: Datatype count" /series {Returns: total blocks strings other avail free expansions} /frames "Returns: total used unused free values-total" /recycle {Returns: count series-total series-last frames-total frames-last ballast} ] HTH -Larry

 [2/3] from: dockimbel:free at: 15-Feb-2001 16:32

Hi, Larry Palmiter wrote: [...]
> You may also want to use or study Carl's script in the REBOL library: > > > > which use rebol/stats to give a detailed print-out.
[...] You can also use a script called "mem-watch" (on my rebsite) which allow you to see all memory informations (except stats/types) in a separate window while typing your commands in the console. (a quick hack that may be more funny than really usefull...) :) HTH, DocKimbel. rebsite: or using TesTPanel : Sites/Ecotope/DocKimbel

 [3/3] from: larry:ecotope at: 16-Feb-2001 13:24

Hi Nenad, Tried your mem-watch.r last night. Very cool! Thanks -Larry