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Handling interface events and tcp connections.

 [1/2] from: bga::bug-br::org::br at: 10-Dec-2003 11:01

Hello. Back to my never-ending problems on using Rebol (hey, I am learning!), I just hit another problem. I have this Rebol program that connects to a server, waits for it (the server) to send some data and when it receives this data it prints it. Now I need to create a view interface for it. This interface will have a text area and the data received will be sent to this text area. The problem I need to solve is that I need to wait for data arriving from the server and, at the same time, handle user interface events. For now I used a timer in the text area to check for data available in the server but that's not exactly a clean approach. In resume, I guess I wwant some wait to wait at the same time on ports and on user-interface events. Is that possible at all? -Bruno

 [2/2] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 10-Dec-2003 18:09

Am Mittwoch 10 Dezember 2003 14:01 schrieb Bruno G. Albuquerque:
> Hello. > Back to my never-ending problems on using Rebol (hey, I am learning!), I
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
> In resume, I guess I wwant some wait to wait at the same time on ports and > on user-interface events. Is that possible at all?
Yes. Your script now: lots of code forever[ .. wait .. ] Your code later lots of code view/new layout[ .. ] forever[ .. wait .. ] With view/new 'view does not block. And 'wait has the event-processing inbuild, so when waiting events are processed automatically. So gui stays alive. The smarter way using port/awake i leave to others ;)
> -Bruno

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