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Block as parameter (version 2 !!)

 [1/2] from: info:id-net:ch at: 17-Aug-2002 19:28

Finally I still have a problem with the block as parameter, Check it out those code in a VID solution: append big-box reduce compose/deep [ 'at (positioDepar + 467x-15) 'button (uppercase (to-string lg/passer)) 110x16 [ procedure-passer (count1) fonction-update (a-line) ] ];append the a-line is a block before being composed into this big-box layout.. but the "print mold" of this big-box is .... .... fonction-update element1 element2 element3 .... etc. .... .... Finally i cannot pass a block as a parameter within a VID layout because it decomposed into elements of the block instead of a block... So the result is that : the function is waiting on a block and the first element passed is considered as a block.. How can I resolve that ?

 [2/2] from: al::bri::xtra::co::nz at: 18-Aug-2002 11:52

Philippe Oehler wrote:
> Finally i cannot pass a block as a parameter within a VID layout because
it decomposed into elements of the block instead of a block...
> So the result is that : the function is waiting on a block and the first
element passed is considered as a block.. Best fix at the moment is to change from this: fonction-update (a-line) to this: fonction-update [(a-line)] Note the addition of the square brackets "[" and "]". When the latest version of Rebol/View is available, with 'compose/only (from latest Rebol/Core):
>> help compose
USAGE: COMPOSE value /deep /only DESCRIPTION: Evaluates a block of expressions, only evaluating parens, and returns a block. COMPOSE is a native value. ARGUMENTS: value -- Block to compose (Type: any) REFINEMENTS: /deep -- Compose nested blocks /only -- Inserts a block value as a block You'll be able to write: append big-box reduce compose/deep/only [ :) I hope that helps! Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169