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tab ui?

 [1/5] from: awood:rokulabs at: 8-Oct-2005 20:28

Howdy, Are there any tabed UI gadgets available for Rebol, or helper code? Thanks

 [2/5] from: brian:wisti:gmai:l at: 8-Oct-2005 21:33

Take a look at RebGUI: I think it has tabs. I know it adds a *lot* to Rebol's GUI look-and-feel, even though it's still very much in beta. Kind Regards, Brian Wisti On 10/8/05, anthony wood <[awood--rokulabs--com]> wrote:

 [3/5] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 9-Oct-2005 11:21

Hi Anthony, aw> Are there any tabed UI gadgets available for Rebol, or helper code? There have been a few developed; the question is where they are. I think Cyphre had one, and I know Chris Ross-Gill has worked on one (may not be publicly available though). -- Gregg

 [4/5] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 9-Oct-2005 19:28

Gregg Irwin wrote:
>Hi Anthony, > >aw> Are there any tabed UI gadgets available for Rebol, or helper code? > >There have been a few developed; the question is where they are. I >think Cyphre had one, and I know Chris Ross-Gill has worked on one >(may not be publicly available though). > >-- Gregg > -pekr-

 [5/5] from: awood::rokulabs::com at: 9-Oct-2005 12:19

Thanks I checked out both this and RebGui. They are both great. Petr Krenzelok wrote: Gregg Irwin wrote: Hi Anthony, aw> Are there any tabed UI gadgets available for Rebol, or helper code? There have been a few developed; the question is where they are. I think Cyphre had one, and I knowChris Ross-Gill has worked on one (may not be publicly available though).-- Gregg[1] -pekr- --- Links --- 1