Mailing List Archive: 49091 messages
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  • Site search Userlist Archive moved to the REB

 [1/2] from: sterling:rebol at: 23-Apr-2001 12:01

OK, in the interest of less spam, I've moved the Userlist Archive entirely onto the REB. It is no longer linked off the main page and is only accessible through the REBsite. It's still the same HTML-based view and everything but it will not be webcrawled until REBOL becomes so popular that search engines and spam-freaks write REB-crawling scripts. By then there should be enough time to hide any email addresses that are present in the pages. I hope this is a reasonable first step. Sterling

 [2/2] from: roblasalle:yah:oo at: 25-Apr-2001 8:25

--- [sterling--rebol--com] wrote:
> OK, in the interest of less spam, I've moved the > Userlist
<<quoted lines omitted: 17>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
Please, please do not blame yourself for the spamming. nqli is a technology designed to collect information from network accessible information. It is very likely they got it off the rebol formum. Thanks.

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