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Problem with unripping

 [1/2] from: rebolask::free::fr at: 31-May-2003 9:30

Hello, I used rip.r to rip a directory. When unripping it says "not enough memory". I tried on 2 machines and it says the same thing although the rip file is only 320 Ko. Did someone had the same kind of problem and then solved it ?

 [2/2] from: rebol:optushome:au at: 1-Jun-2003 18:25

not enough memory is often thrown by 'decompress if the data passed it is damaged, or not in the correct format. Sometimes it can be as simple as the difference between read & read/binary. --Allen ----- Original Message ----- From: <[rebolask--free--fr]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 6:30 PM Subject: [REBOL] Problem with unripping
> Hello, > > I used rip.r to rip a directory. When unripping it says "not enough
memory". I tried on 2 machines and it says the same thing although the rip file is only 320 Ko.