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 [1/5] from: gschwarz:netconnect:au at: 7-Sep-2001 14:29

 [2/5] from: ammoncooke:yah:oo at: 6-Sep-2001 23:12

Hi, There is, somewhere, someone's script of REBOL color swatches. I can't find it right now, & I need it. Thanks!! Ammon PS I swear that I am going to write RebSearch somday. ;D

 [3/5] from: hijim:pronet at: 7-Aug-2001 20:50

I'm wondering if there is a way to define the backdrop color in request-file or request-pass. Khaki is not my favorite. I'd like to change it to silver. I know this isn't very important. I'll be satisified if it cant be changed easily, but if it can, I'll change it. Thanks, Jim

 [4/5] from: carl:cybercraft at: 8-Aug-2001 18:55

On 08-Aug-01, Jim Clatfelter wrote:
> I'm wondering if there is a way to define the backdrop color in > request-file or request-pass. Khaki is not my favorite.
That's not Khaki...
>> ? khaki
KHAKI is a tuple of value: 179.179.126 that's...
>> ? rebolor
REBOLOR is a tuple of value: 142.128.110 (:
> I'd like to > change it to silver. I know this isn't very important. I'll be > satisified if it cant be changed easily, but if it can, I'll change > it.
You can change VID's default backdrop like this... system/view/vid/vid-face/color: silver which will mean any window you now open will be silver. Enter... probe system/view/vid/vid-face to see the other defaults. There's more than one way to skin a cat, eh? (; -- Carl Read

 [5/5] from: hijim:pronet at: 8-Aug-2001 18:22

Thanks Carl, That looks better with all backgrounds the same color. I didn't see a button color in that probe system/view/vid/vid-face. I did see font, but font-fixed didn't seem to cause a change. I had been using backdrop silver, but system/view/vid/vid-face/color: silver is not much longer, and it does much more. I can see I need to use probe more often. Jim