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Script Error: parse-mail-list expected data argument of type: string

 [1/1] from: kimm2::mcmaster::ca at: 25-Jun-2002 9:53

Hi all, I'm fairly new to REBOL and I seem to have run into some trouble. I'm running a script that checks my inbox (via POP) every 40 seconds or so. When it recieves email, it automatically responds to it. 2 questions. 1) The script used to run fine, but every so often I can't seem to connect to the POP server. I've disabled APOP using: if system/version = [ change pick find second get in system/schemes/pop/handler 'open 'if 3 true ] As I've read in some discussions here. Is this a problem on my end? Or is it the POP server denying me acccess every so often? 2) Since my script has become a litte more complicated, I've run into a new error. It seems to open the inbox fine, read the email, reply to it, and then close the inbox. However on its next cycle, when it tried to open the inbox again I get this error: ** Script Error: parse-mail-list expected data argument of type: string ** Where: parse-email-addrs ** Near: Mail-List-Rules/parse-mail-list data I have no idea what this mean. Your help would be very much appreciated! Thanks, Matt