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Rebol/Broweser fixing.

 [1/2] from: inetw3:mindspring at: 22-Feb-2003 6:55

Hello RV Ml How do i make a working address bar, and then show the returned code in a panel addressbar: field 240x24 button "Go" red 49 [xml: read to-file addressbar/text (to-file value does'nt work)..... etc. => parse xml , insert it into a block, save it for Rebol/viewing. but the button does not work but once,then i get this error; -------------------------------------- Script Error: if expected then-block argument of type: block ** Where: insert-char ** Near: if not same? head face/text -------------------------------------- I want to layout the block to view in in a panel but the block will not layout... error: ----------------------------------------- ** Script Error: Invalid argument: return ** Where: forever ** Near: if not parse facets vid-rules ------------------------------------------ Does anyone have a work around for these problems. i'm stuck, and tired. im trying to put together the browser GUI, but the errors stops it in its tracks. It works well if i just open up a VID that auto loads the xml block. But no one wants to open up a file just to view html in VIEW, it's easier to just use a real browser. If i get this thing working ill share it, for sure.

 [2/2] from: carl::cybercraft::co::nz at: 23-Feb-2003 10:54

On 23-Feb-03, iNetW3 wrote:
> Hello RV Ml > How do i make a working address bar, and then
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> ** Near: if not same? head face/text > --------------------------------------
I'm not sure why the above doesn't work, as this little test below does. Enter "test.txt" in the field, click "Go" and the file is loaded and shown in the area box... write %test.txt "A test file..." view layout [ addressbar: field 240x24 button "Go" [ test/text: read to-file addressbar/text show test ] test: area 240x100 ] Am I missing something, perhaps? Carl.
> I want to layout the block to view in > in a panel but the block will not
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
> it's easier to just use a real browser. > If i get this thing working ill share it, for sure.
-- Carl Read

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