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Help needed with a GHOST variable ...

 [1/2] from: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 10-Oct-2005 15:42

Hi List, I have the following exec listing where the "eval-content" function simply returns the value and type of number or identifier it found amongst integer (int), decimal (dec), decimal in sci notation (sci), hexadecimal (hex), octal (oct), binary (bin). In the case of an identifier (ident) the function extracts the identifier value from the dictionary, creates a new parse command from the appended elements and the rule set (issue-rules/expr) is automatically parsed again with the new value extracted. The problem is : the first time it seems to work but the subsequent the system memorizes old value from the first call (in the new-value word defined inside the "issue-rules/print-info" function). I really don't know where to look at and how to debug things that come from objects other than inspecting and printing them visually. Can some one give and explanation ? Thanks in advance Gerard My Code follows: Eval for an integer value -- Result OK =====================
>> eval-content [999]
999 Type: int Eval for an identifier value <-- Result seems OK the first time ONLY ============================================
>> nom: 444
== 444
>> eval-content [nom]
variable: nom -> 444 ident 444 <-- The second call is started here Type: int == true New try with a second identifier <-- Result is false as the value retrieved comes ===================== from the previous call.
>> r
== 777
>> eval-content [r]
variable: r -> 777 ident 444 Type: int == [copy my-num1 bin-number (print-info my-num1 "bin") to end | copy my-num2 oct-number (print-info my-num2 "oct") to end | ... Notice the above ending instead of the TRUE value found in other cases ================================================ Here is the listing of the "Eval-content" function: ================================ Eval-content: func [value][ new-value: 0 ; try to define global words instead of using "issue-rules" values new-type: "UNDEF" either parse to-string value issue-rules/expr [ ; Double parse is necessary if a var name was provided - because of indirection level ; The parse rules return the GLOBALLY DEFINED VARs new-value and new-type ; In the specific case of a varname a new-type of value "ident" is returned ; A second parse is then necessary to get the type and content of the variable ; if issue-rules/new-type = "ident" [ ; This is returned by issue-rules/print-info str-to-parse: [parse to-string] ; Incrementally creates the second parse cmd append/only str-to-parse to block! get in issue-rules 'new-value append/only str-to-parse issue-rules/expr do str-to-parse ;unset [issue-rules/new-value issue-rules/new-type] ] ][ print "No number type was detected with current rules (issue-rules/expr)" ] ] Finally, here is the "issue-rules" object : ========================== issue-rules: make object! [ expr: [copy my-num1 bin-number (print-info my-num1 "bin") to end | copy my-num2 oct-number (print-info my-num2 "oct") to end | copy my-num3 hex-number (print-info my-num3 "hex") to end | copy my-num4 dec-number (print-info my-num4 type) to end | copy my-ident identifier (print-info my-ident "ident") to end ] if debug [print "------- Start of issue-rules ---" print ["new-value: " new-value newline "new-type: " new-type]] letter-b: charset "bB" letter-o: charset "oO" letter-x: charset "xX" bin-digit: charset "01" bin-digits: [some bin-digit] bin-number: [bin-digits letter-b] oct-digit: charset "01234567" oct-digits: [some oct-digit] oct-number: [oct-digits letter-o] dec-digit: charset "0123456789" hex-digit: union charset "abcdefABCDEF" dec-digit hex-digits: [some hex-digit] hex-number: [hex-digits letter-x] dec-number: [0 1 "-" [sci-decimal-number (type: "sci")| decimal-number (type: "dec") | unsigned-integer (type: "int") ]] unsigned-integer: [some digit] decimal-number: [0 1 unsigned-integer decimal-fraction] decimal-fraction: ["." unsigned-integer] sci-decimal-number: [mantissa "E" ["+" | "-" | none] exponent] mantissa: [decimal-number | unsigned-integer] exponent: [unsigned-integer] identifier: [letter any [digit | letter | letter-sep]] letter: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"] letter-sep: charset "_-" digit: charset "0123456789" print-info: func [my-info info-type][ new-value: 0 ; try to neutralize ghost effect new-type: "UNDEF" ; Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal cases either any [info-type = "bin" info-type = "oct" info-type = "hex"][ info-num: remove back tail my-info info-num: head info-num print info-num print info-type new-value: info-num new-type: copy info-type ][ ; Identifier case either info-type = "ident" [ either unset? my-info [ ; When identifier not defined print ["variable: " "non définie"] print ["type: " info-type] new-value: 0 ; Value given when word not defined new-type: copy "UNDEF" ][ info-num: get to word! my-info ; When identifier defined print ["variable: " my-info "-> " info-num] print info-type new-value: info-num ; Normally this is where the value new-type: copy info-type ; of the IDENT is kept into new-value ] ][ ; Integer and decimal cases (including SCI notation) print my-info print ["Type: " info-type] info-num: my-info new-value: info-num new-type: copy info-type ] ] ] ]

 [2/2] from: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 10-Oct-2005 16:13

Sorry for the annoyance List, I found the solution by myself - The glitch was caused by a missing "copy" before an init operation in the Eval-content. The last result sent by the parse was the preceding one... Regards, Gerard