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rebol command questions

 [1/2] from: bry::itnisk::com at: 23-May-2002 12:19

I was just wondering about Rebol command as I'm considering buying it, my understanding is that it gives greater control over the operating system than just rebol core, now as the operating system I want to control is Windows in this case the rest of the email applies to windows, under the heading "External Library Access" it says that one can "Interface to legacy systems or directly execute standard operating system dynamic library functions...", by dynamic library I suppose it means I can access dlls; does this mean I would have the Rebol versions of CreateObject, GetObject etc to work with? If so, seeing as Rebol is in C does that mean I would have access to all the object properties that are not accessible via Visual Basic. The reasons for these questions are sort of difficult to explain(having to do with a project that has been going on for a while) basically what I want is to be able to access the Webbrowser control, and to get ahold of the methods associated with IDocHostUIHandler, specifically GetExternal() -- that's the one everyone always wants isn't it :)

 [2/2] from: ammon:rcslv at: 22-May-2002 1:17

Command includes Shell access so you can send any command to the system shell it gives you access to DLLs, It has some nice built in Database support. It is a lot more powerful than /Core or /View. I have attempted any windows stuff yet, but I am sure it is fun... HTH Ammon A short time ago, bryan, sent an email stating: