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Making script refresh the webpage?

 [1/3] from: vache:bluejellybean at: 4-Jan-2001 17:33

CGI/HTML related more than REBOL: Is there a way I can make a REBOL script on my server refresh a a users page (either refresh the web page their currently viewing, or refresh to a new one)... ? I was told that sending... (meta http-equiv="refresh" value="0;url=") would work - however, in my testing, it hasn't done anything (I stripped the actual < and >'s only for this email). Does anyone have any suggestions?

 [2/3] from: al:bri:xtra at: 5-Jan-2001 14:58

> I was told that sending... > > (meta http-equiv="refresh"
> would work - however, in my testing, it hasn't done anything (I stripped
the actual < and >'s only for this email). Does anyone have any suggestions? I use the following in my web site: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Entering Andrew's Web Site</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="7; URL=VALLEY.HTM"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="FrameBurster.js"></SCRIPT> </HEAD> <snip!> and that works for me, using static pages. Note "CONTENT" instead of "value" for the meta tag. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [3/3] from: norsepower:uswest at: 4-Jan-2001 20:06

output the page in 'forever and use 'wait to determine the number of seconds before 'forever continues. BUT I'm not sure what happens when the user clicks on a link on the page. Perhaps 'forever will continue to execute?