Rebol - A programmer's guide - electronic version
[1/5] from: pwawood:g:mail at: 17-Dec-2008 23:32
I am pleased to announce that the electronic version of "Rebol - A
programmer's guide" is now available at
priced at 15.99 Euros.
The printed version will be available within the next two to three
weeks and will be priced at 25 Euros.
The book's introduction and table of contents can be freely downloaded
[2/5] from: moliad::gmail::com at: 18-Dec-2008 8:14
On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:32 AM, Peter W A Wood <> wrote:
[3/5] from: nick:guitarz at: 19-Dec-2008 19:35
Congrats! Just bought and downloaded my copy. Now do you have plans
for an English version of Olivier's other Book?
Quoting Peter W A Wood <>:
[4/5] from: vonja:sbcglobal at: 19-Dec-2008 20:31
I'm waiting for the hard copy to be made available :-)
[5/5] from: pwawood::gmail::com at: 20-Dec-2008 13:28
Thanks, Nick.
I don't have any such plans at the moment and it is much longer than A
programmer's guide.
On 20 Dec 2008, at 11:35, Nick Antonaccio wrote: