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mail weirdness

 [1/3] from: max:quazart at: 21-Nov-2001 16:04

Hi everyone, Am I the only obvserving extremely slow mail tranfers with the rebol list... I just received a mail I sent at 8h00 AM (it is now 3h30 PM!) I've also received some mails in the wrong order... just wondering?! -MAx

 [2/3] from: ammonjohnson:yaho:o at: 21-Nov-2001 16:17

No, not at all! I have been experiencing slow ML for weeks now, it is just a part of life for me. It is interesting to see that I will sometimes recieve my mails imediately after I post them, but more frequently I get a reply from someone on the list before I ever see the message I posted! ;-) But maybe that is just because there are some really great ppl on the list? ;-) Enjoy!! Ammon

 [3/3] from: jasonic::panix::com at: 21-Nov-2001 17:40

> Am I the only obvserving extremely slow mail tranfers with the rebol
list... hmm... I just timed my last message sent to list: 3 mins ./Jason