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editor suggestion

 [1/2] from: gchiu::compkarori::co::nz at: 23-Apr-2001 21:49

It would be nice if the View editor had a button to paste the contents into the clip board for easy transfer to something that can print. I've also noticed a tendency for the editor to go crazy on me - sometimes after a paste. It starts jumping by words for each cursor/delete press. Only goes away by shutting down View. Windows 32. -- Graham Chiu

 [2/2] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 29-Jun-2001 9:25

A small suggestion. Perhaps when saving files, the write could be enclosed within a try block. As it is, when editing files by ftp, and there is a network timeout, then the editor drops to the console - losing one's text. -- Graham Chiu