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linux - email command line client / anybody ?

 [1/6] from: jjmmes:yaho:o:es at: 25-Aug-2002 17:52

Does anybody have an advanced command line email client ? Olivier Auverlot describes one implementation in chapter 7 of his book (available for download) but couldn't find the code anywhere. I imagine some of the Linux users here have some scripts with cool features. Can anybody share ? (I now the basic email client is fairly easy to write in rebol but looking for something more advanced) Thanks all !

 [2/6] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 25-Aug-2002 14:45

Hi Jose, << Does anybody have an advanced command line email client ? >> Phil Bevan's GUI mail app is the most complete I've seen, but I don't know what support it has for command line use. --Gregg

 [3/6] from: edanaii:cox at: 25-Aug-2002 21:09

Gregg Irwin wrote:
>Hi Jose, > ><< Does anybody have an advanced command line email client ? >> > >Phil Bevan's GUI mail app is the most complete I've seen, but I don't know >what support it has for command line use. >
Where can it be found? I'd like to take a look at it. -- Sincerely, | What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! Ed Dana | How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how Software Developer | express and admirable! In action, how like an 1Ghz Athlon Amiga | angel! In apprehension, how like a god! | -- William Shakespeare, Hamlet Act II Sc ii

 [4/6] from: gscottjones:mchsi at: 26-Aug-2002 7:06

From: "Ed Dana"
> Gregg Irwin wrote: > >Phil Bevan's GUI mail app is the most complete I've seen, but I don't
> >what support it has for command line use. > > > Where can it be found? I'd like to take a look at it.
REBOL/View -> Desktop -> Sites -> PhilB -> EmailClient --Scott Jones

 [5/6] from: gerardcote::sympatico::ca at: 26-Aug-2002 9:04

Hi Ed, You wrote :
> >Phil Bevan's GUI mail app is the most complete I've seen, but I don't know > >what support it has for command line use. > > > Where can it be found? I'd like to take a look at it. >
You can get it directly with or without the HTML doc from its PHILB folder in the USERS section of /VIEW. Gerard

 [6/6] from: edanaii:cox at: 26-Aug-2002 19:08

Gerard Cote wrote:
>Hi Ed, >You wrote :
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
>> >You can get it directly with or without the HTML doc from its PHILB folder in the USERS section of /VIEW.
I got it. Ran it. It created a bunch of folders on my drive, but I got no clue how to run it. The docs aren't clear on that point. What am I missing that you more experienced REBOLeers know? -- Sincerely, | Ed Dana | Life's but a knife's edge, anyway. Sooner or later Software Developer | people slip and get cut. 1Ghz Athlon Amiga | -- Larry McMurtry, Streets of Laredo

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