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Plotting charts on Rebol View?

 [1/5] from: slok00:yah:oo at: 26-Nov-2001 19:09

Is it possible to plot charts on Rebol View? A client has approached me to build a system, of which, one of the requirements is to extract data and plot a chart (much like those you see for stock markets). I have seen IOS having a reblet called Plotter, but there is no further screen shot nor do I recall anyone doing similiar stuffs on the list. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks Yek Soon

 [2/5] from: james::mustard::co::nz at: 27-Nov-2001 16:27

Hi there, Desktop / docs / Easy Draw demo covers how to build any of those sort of graphs by using the draw dialect. James.

 [3/5] from: carl:cybercraft at: 27-Nov-2001 17:56

On 27-Nov-01, James Marsden wrote:
> Hi there, > Desktop / docs / Easy Draw demo covers how to build any of those > sort of graphs by using the draw dialect.
An alternative way, if it's just pixel-plotting you want, is to 'poke directly to an image. Example... rebol [] plot: func [image x y color][ x: to-integer x + .5 y: to-integer y + .5 poke image y * image/size/1 + x color ] pic: to-image 200x200 y: 50 for x 0 199 1 [ plot pic x y red y: y + .5 ] view layout [image pic] I could've used a pair for the xy values, but it seemed simplier not to.
> James. > ----- Original Message -----
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>> Thanks >> Yek Soon
-- Carl Read

 [4/5] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 27-Nov-2001 9:14

Hi Yek Soon, << Is it possible to plot charts on Rebol View? >> Absolutely. I did a little biorhythm program to find that out myself and line charts are easy. Someone also recently posted a nifty way to do bar charts. --Gregg

 [5/5] from: arolls:idatam:au at: 30-Nov-2001 17:50

I built a graphics library, which I use for many scripts on my rebsite "Anton". It contains a BAR function and others (line, ellipse etc). It may be useful. (I thought I had a nice fill function somewhere). Someone else was making a nice graph program... Check escribe for that. Anton.

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