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 [1/1] from: inetw3::mindspring::com at: 18-Apr-2001 13:36

When things seem to be funny, laugh silently with a smile, by your self. Some time ago,near the end of 1999, i suggested a browser pluggin by meging Rebol with another xml-to-java tool, i was politely asked if i was crazy, and the responder said basically i was babbling. i sent another email expressing that every strong internetworked product distributed through www for applications should have a browser pluggin to be accepted for that class of people(www). I have the xml-to-activex-dhtml-java tool, it's open surce, and plugs in to web pages easily. I don't know Rebol that well yet but i think i could write a parser/dialect for Rebol VID. and use Rebol/Command runtime to package it if and when i have time. But i really believe Carl is smarter than us all, so we may be just skinning (that cat) too soon.