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MS + Groove

 [1/4] from: chris::langreiter::com at: 10-Oct-2001 16:23

Microsoft and Groove Networks Announce Strategic Relationship Another round of investment, $54m. Smart move. RTCC is here to stay. Make REBOL better than Groove (it already is in quite afew ways). -- Chris

 [2/4] from: matt:fitzgerald:bigpond at: 11-Oct-2001 9:58

Excerpt: About Microsoft Founded in 1975, Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I for one, can't think of anything new that MS has contributed to Internet technologies other than bastardizing existing ones. In fact I can't think of anything they've done that was revolutionary at all, their .NET framework sits on top of existing bloat, maybe a good concept but that's it! Just a gripe, -Matt

 [3/4] from: slok00:yaho:o at: 10-Oct-2001 18:26

--- Christian Langreiter <[chris--langreiter--com]> wrote:
> Smart move. RTCC is here to stay. Make REBOL better > than Groove (it > already is in quite afew ways). >
pardon my ignorance, what does RTCC stands for? thanks YekSoon

 [4/4] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 10-Oct-2001 21:58

Hi YekSoon, << pardon my ignorance, what does RTCC stands for? >> Real Time Collaborative Computing. --Gregg