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[ALLY] Choice Words

 [1/2] from: mike::myers::cybarite::com at: 15-Nov-2000 9:05

The layout CHOICE item seems to behave differently from some of the others. c: choice ["Option 1" "Option 2" "Option 3"] I want to programmatically re-set its data c/data: ["Option A" "Option B" "Option C"] show c The above lines run but does not seem to affect the user interface displayed. Probing c seems to go into a recursive display. I had done this before with Larry Palmiter's help for the Rotary button but the same approach does not apply here. Any ideas?

 [2/2] from: mike:myers:cybarite at: 16-Nov-2000 15:50

I don't know if this is answering my own question (Choice Words) or misusing some elements from the view objects. But it seems to work and I need it. If I want to change the data for a choice, abc: choice "A" "B" "C" I can not (apparently) do that with abc/data: ["D" "E" "F"] ; :( But changing the texts fields seems to work. As in the following: my-page: layout [ abc: choice "A" "B" "C" b: button "change list" [ abc/texts: ["d" "e" "f"] abc/text: "Select" ; this changes the face text only and does ; not make Select an option. :) show abc] ] view my-page Now if I had only discovered this before 10:00 AM today when I needed it.