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 [1/10] from: hallvard:ystad:oops-as:no at: 26-Oct-2004 23:49

Cool subject line, huh? This probably has been asked before, but I couldn't find it on, so here goes. This is a little something from a console session that puzzles me:
>> source =: native [
"Returns TRUE if the values are equal." value1 value2 ]
>> = ; should return true
== true
>> = "" ; should also return true
== false
This, on the other hand, is as expected:
>> source ==
==: native [ {Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype.} value1 value2 ]
>> == "" ; should return false
== false
Could someone please enlighten me on the first one? Why don't both examples return true? HY

 [2/10] from: chalz::earthlink::net at: 26-Oct-2004 18:08

 [3/10] from: ammon:johnson:gma:il at: 26-Oct-2004 15:17

You're seeing that the mail list doesn't like something about Hallvard's email encoding... That is an '=' equals symbol. On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 18:08:40 -0400, Charles <[chalz--earthlink--net]> wrote:
> >>> source > > =: native [
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
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-- Enjoy!! ~~Ammon ;~[) ~Sui Generis~

 [4/10] from: pwawood:mango:my at: 27-Oct-2004 6:23

>> = ""
== false Because:
>> type?
== url!
>> type? ""
== string! So use :
>> = to-url ""
== true The clue is in the comments of the source of '
> {Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype.}
Hope this helps. Peter On Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004, at 05:49 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Hallvard Ystad wrote:

 [5/10] from: antonr::lexicon::net at: 27-Oct-2004 12:37

Yes, but consider this:
>> 1.0 = 1
== true
>> type? 1.0
== decimal!
>> type? 1
== integer! I agree with Hallvard that it is strange that two any-string!s must be strict-equal to be equal. Anton.

 [6/10] from: lmecir::mbox::vol::cz at: 27-Oct-2004 10:40

Anton Rolls napsal(a):
>Yes, but consider this: >>>1.0 = 1
<<quoted lines omitted: 13>>
>be equal. >Anton.
there is another difference between the two operators - the = operator ignores case, while == doesn't ignore case for strings -L

 [7/10] from: pwawood:mango:my at: 27-Oct-2004 20:33

Anton A very good point. Obviously some datatypes are more equal than others. ;-))) I think the explanation is that both 1 and 1.0 are number datatypes. From the little I know Rebol freely converts between the number datatypes.
>> 1 = "1"
== false is consistent with Harvard's url = string "funny". Regards Peter On Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004, at 10:37 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Anton Rolls wrote:

 [8/10] from: lmecir::mbox::vol::cz at: 27-Oct-2004 16:10

Peter WA Wood napsal(a):
>Anton > >A very good point. Obviously some datatypes are more equal than others. >;-))) >
If you want Rebol to become more consistent in this point, you can store it to Rambo. -Ladislav

 [9/10] from: pwawood::mango::net::my at: 29-Oct-2004 7:42

Ladislav I'm not sure whether it's a bug or simply unclear documentation. I always trip up over the following example:
>> (first "1234567890") = "1"
== false until I remember that first returns a char!
>> (first "1234567890") = #"1"
== true So I will follow your advice and submit this question to RT either through feedback or directly to RAMBO Help = Returns TRUE if the values are equal. Help == Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype. Implies that values can be equal regardless of datatype. {This in itself seems a little incongruous given that it is a value which has a datatype not a word.} I will report back RT's response to the Mailing List. Regards Peter I On Wednesday, Oct 27, 2004, at 22:10 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Ladislav Mecir wrote:

 [10/10] from: hallvard::ystad::oops-as::no at: 31-Oct-2004 23:54

Dixit Peter:
>Help = Returns TRUE if the values are equal. >Help == Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype. > >Implies that values can be equal regardless of datatype. {This in >itself seems a little incongruous given that it is a value which has a >datatype not a word.} > >I will report back RT's response to the Mailing List.
Thanks. I notice that in other cases, different datatypes containing the "same" data _are_ treated as equal, even though it's not documented:
>> replace a: [1 56 #"w" 'g] "w" "wsfg"
== [1 56 #"w" 'g] HELP REPLACE doesn't indicate that #"w" and "w" will be treated as being the same thing in this case. Regards, Hallvard PS to Ladislav et al.: I didn't learn much from studying my mail server log. I still cannot understand why I do not get any messages from the list. Hope the problem will be fixed soon, I really miss all this email (would you believe it?). Contrary to what Carl evangelizes, I find email to be a very useful and practical way of communicating.

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