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Periods as parts of rebol words?

 [1/13] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 10-May-2002 8:22

Hello All: I'm well acquainted with RT's recommendation on using hyphens in 'words. And since rebol syntax is case-insensitive, it makes perfect sense. But I hate hyphens and underscores. I just don't like that reach. A period(.) is so much easier to use. I have used periods in rebol words and I haven't encountered any problems thus far. Any comments? This is a "help me before I hurt myself question" -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>

 [2/13] from: carl:cybercraft at: 11-May-2002 10:33

On 11-May-02, Tim Johnson wrote:
> Hello All: > I'm well acquainted with RT's recommendation on using hyphens
<<quoted lines omitted: 6>>
> This is a "help me before I hurt myself question" >
Hi Tim, I doubt there's any technical reason why you couldn't do so, but given that hyphens are used in every third default REBOL word, your scripts will end up a mish-mash of both styles, won't they? Also, hyphens are easier to notice than a period in some fonts, so they're less likely to be mistaken for a space. As to typing them, well I'm a lousy typist anyway so it doesn't make a lot of difference to me either way. (; And I hit comers instead of periods quite often as it is... -- Carl Read

 [3/13] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 10-May-2002 18:21

Hi Tim, << A period(.) is so much easier to use. I have used periods in rebol words and I haven't encountered any problems thus far. >> Per the docs: The end of a word is indicated by a space, a line break, or one of the following characters: [](){}":;/ The following characters are not allowed in words: @#$%^, Technically, you can do it. I personally don't think it's a good idea, for the following reason: REBOL is designed to be a good language for humans. Dot notation isn't found in many natural languages I know of (not counting phonetic breakdowns which don't use the period :) while hyphenated words are a normal form, at least in English. Just my 2c. --Gregg

 [4/13] from: ryanc:iesco-dms at: 10-May-2002 17:09

Tim, After your all done coding just run this... -------- rebol [] script: read file: request-file/only forall script [ all [ script/1 = #"." script/2 <> #"^"" script/2 <> #"{" script/2 <> #" " script/2 <> #"." script/1: #"-" ] ] write file head script -------- Not the "right" way, but it was particularly easy. --Ryan PS: And yes, periods are totally allowable in words. Tim Johnson wrote:
> Hello All: > I'm well acquainted with RT's recommendation on using hyphens
<<quoted lines omitted: 14>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Note: When sending me email directly, always make sure to include my name

 [5/13] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 10-May-2002 18:07

* Gregg Irwin <[greggirwin--mindspring--com]> [020510 16:51]:
> Hi Tim, > << A period(.) is so much easier to use. I have used periods in
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
> following > characters: [](){}":;/
Hello Greg et al..
> The following characters are not allowed in words: @#$%^, > > Technically, you can do it. I personally don't think it's a good idea, for > the following reason: REBOL is designed to be a good language for humans.
I'm not sure if I find "reading" the dot seperators as easy as typing them, to be perfectly frank...
> Dot notation isn't found in many natural languages I know of (not counting > phonetic breakdowns which don't use the period :) while hyphenated words are > a normal form, at least in English. Just my 2c.
And what languages use forward slashes? Retorical question really, hyphens are an easier read, and I will probably stick with them. Now to try to figure out what Ryan is getting at :-) Thanks all! -tim- [Tim Penniston-Pitcher-Johnson] 1.907.745.5555 programmer/surveyor/cook/honey-doer -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>

 [6/13] from: rishioswal:yaho:o at: 10-May-2002 18:55

just switch to dvorak keymap like me. The "-" is as easy to access as the "." :p rishi --- Gregg Irwin <[greggirwin--mindspring--com]> wrote:

 [7/13] from: carl:cybercraft at: 11-May-2002 17:47

On 11-May-02, Tim Johnson wrote:
> And what languages use forward slashes?
English? ... -- Carl Read

 [8/13] from: ethanak:interclub:pl at: 11-May-2002 11:51

On May 11 at 17:47 Carl Read wrote:
> On 11-May-02, Tim Johnson wrote: > > > And what languages use forward slashes? > > English? ... > >
Polish? ... -- Namari=EB! ethanak

 [9/13] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 11-May-2002 8:51

Hi, Tim, Syntactically speaking, periods are just another character that can appear in the name of a word. Perfectly OK. As for the non-syntactical arguments... Tim Johnson wrote:
> * Gregg Irwin <[greggirwin--mindspring--com]> [020510 16:51]: > > The following characters are not allowed in words: @#$%^, > > > > Technically, you can do it. I personally don't think it's a > > good idea, for the following reason: REBOL is designed to be > > a good language for humans. >
I just don't buy this one, for a whole list of reasons, including the following samples: * There's nothing new about idea of having a programming language that is supposed to resemble natural so closely that humans of the non-programmer species can write code. Nonsense. That was supposed to have been one of the key design criteria of COBOL. The claim was even made early in its life that it resembled English so well that managers would be able to read their subordinates' programs to check them for errors. Yeah, right... The same kinds of fatuous claims have been made for BASIC, SQL, spreadsheets and spreadsheet macro languages, and on and on and on... The claim was also made about FORTH that, as an extensible language, one could bootstrap up to a set of defined words that end users could employ as an interactive or scripted command language. This "impossible dream" has never worked, and IMHO never will. Humans can't write real, non-trivial programs without actually learning programming skills. Sugar-coating that fact is at best a waste of time and at worst deceptive. * There are so many factors in the design of REBOL that already violate good human factors practice that the issue of dashes versus periods as intra-word punctuation just doesn't seem to be that significant. Such issues as ensuring referential transparency, consistency, the principle of least surprise, proportionality (things that make a big difference should look really different, things that don't make much difference shouldn't) and on and on and on...
> I'm not sure if I find "reading" the dot seperators as easy > as typing them, to be perfectly frank... >
I'd suggest that a more important question is "Who's your audience?" If you're only writing programs to serve (or amuse ;-) yourself, then construct, format, and spell your code however you wish -- as long as you don't confuse yourself, of course! If you expect other people to (ever!) read it, then think about their likely background and habits, and try to avoid unnecessary opportunities for confusing or misleading them. I'd suggest against using internal dots, for the following reasons: * Other languages (yes, we're programmers here) are much more likely to use dots to indicate subordination/selection. Just as REBOL can use "hee/haw" to indicate the "haw" component of something named "hee" (e.g. an object's attribute), many other languages would write "hee.haw" in that same sense. * This is consistent with the use of dots in other human-oriented settings, either computer-related or not: - The dots in an IP address indicate successively finer distinctions on what has come before. - The dots in a host name (although in the reverse order) also indicate hierarchy of containment. - In some countries, the dot is used as a radix point, so that the value 3.76 indicates seventy six hundredths within three. - I frequently see dates (2002.05.11) and telephone numbers (1.800.555.1212) internally punctuated with dots, which again indicate membership or subordination. - The labeling of elements in an outline (at least when I was back in freshman English...) use dots between levels of hierarchical containment. Of course, if we're going to take this resemblance to natural language seriously, we'd also avoid using hyphens since they are often used to indicate coordination (in the Cartesian sense) or subtraction (because the absence of whitespace in income-deductions in normal "English" is not considered significant). So... I suggest that you pick a style that: - you're comfortable typing and reading, - won't confuse any (likely) future reader, - you can follow consistenly, - doesn't look deceptively like (or pointlessly different from) other usage in the world you inhabit, and stick with it. Good luck! -jn- -- ; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] { | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]

 [10/13] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-May-2002 10:28

Hi Tim, << And what languages use forward slashes? >> English. They're used for alternatives. Refinements may not be a perfect semantic match, but they're in the right ballpark I think. --Gregg

 [11/13] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-May-2002 11:15

Hi Joel, <<
> > Technically, you can do it. I personally don't think it's a > > good idea, for the following reason: REBOL is designed to be > > a good language for humans. >
I just don't buy this one, for a whole list of reasons, including the following samples:
Let me see if I can clarify my point a bit. << * There's nothing new about idea of having a programming language that is supposed to resemble natural so closely that humans of the non-programmer species can write code. Nonsense.
I didn't say REBOL was intended for non-programmers, or that any resemblance to natural language in any way endowed people not inclined to study the craft with the ability to write code. That's what dialects are for. :) << The same kinds of fatuous claims have been made for BASIC, SQL, spreadsheets and spreadsheet macro languages, and on and on and on... The claim was also made about FORTH that, as an extensible language, one could bootstrap up to a set of defined words that end users could employ as an interactive or scripted command language. This "impossible dream" has never worked, and IMHO never will. Humans can't write real, non-trivial programs without actually learning programming skills. Sugar-coating that fact is at best a waste of time and at worst deceptive.
Hmmm. I guess I like sugar coating. OTTOMH, I might say a programming language could be considered good for humans based on the number of non-programmers that are able to use it successfully. My justification for this is that, even though the holy grail of 'not requiring a computer programmer to program a computer' is an ideal we may never achieve completely, you have to admit that a lot of non-programmers are writing programs that do useful stuff these days, generally in sugar-coated languages. << * There are so many factors in the design of REBOL that already violate good human factors practice that the issue of dashes versus periods as intra-word punctuation just doesn't seem to be that significant. Such issues as ensuring referential transparency, consistency, the principle of least surprise, proportionality (things that make a big difference should look really different, things that don't make much difference shouldn't) and on and on and on...
I think it *is* significant (and I disagree with the argument that "it's got other problems so this won't make any difference"). The syntax is very important and is a separate issue from the semantics and behavior of a language. That said, I'm not saying that my view is the "right" way to see things for the example under discussion, just that it's my view. As you said, pick a style that you're comfortable with and that won't confuse the target audience. If there are standards in place, it's generally a good idea to follow them (assuming they make a modicum of sense). If you take a different path, have a reason. << Of course, if we're going to take this resemblance to natural language seriously...
I obviously created some confusion with my post in this regard. REBOL is, indeed, an artificial language. I'm not suggesting that it should strive to emulate natural language so much as it should strive *not* to emulate other artifical languages. ;) --Gregg

 [12/13] from: joel:neely:fedex at: 11-May-2002 21:59

Hi, Gregg, Let me clarify too, lest my "enthusiasm" appear to overpower my common sense (or my manners... ;-) Gregg Irwin wrote:
> Hmmm. I guess I like sugar coating. >
I think it was Alan Perlis who said "Syntactical sugar causes cancer of the semicolon!" ;-)
> OTTOMH, I might say a programming language could be considered > good for humans based on the number of non-programmers that are > able to use it successfully. > > My justification for this is that, even though the holy grail > of 'not requiring a computer programmer to program a computer' > is an ideal we may never achieve completely, ... >
I don't even regard it as an ideal. The lack of professionalism in the programming field is one of the major factors behind the so-called "software crisis" that has been with us for the past 25 years or so. The tendency in some management circles to try to "de-skill" as many jobs as possible, so that they can staff their organizations with low-cost entry-level employees rather than recognizing the real value of the high-skill experienced employees is another. I'm *not* suggesting that there be a proficiency exam required before an individual be allowed to buy a personal computer! It should be perfectly OK for a Dad and his kids to build their own treehouse or playhouse in the back yard. However, they shouldn't imagine that having done so qualifies them to start their own construction company or work as journeyman carpenters.
> ... you have to admit that a lot of non-programmers are writing > programs that do useful stuff these days, generally in > sugar-coated languages. >
Such as? I'm really not sure what you're referring to here. If you could give an example or two I'd appreciate it.
> I think it *is* significant (and I disagree with the argument > that "it's got other problems so this won't make any difference"). >
I just meant that in this sense: I think we'll get more mileage out of addressing those areas that really give beginners difficulty in learning the language, as compared to stylistic issues that each programmer can choose for his/her own code without binding those judgement call on everybody else.
> I obviously created some confusion with my post in this regard. > REBOL is, indeed, an artificial language. I'm not suggesting that > it should strive to emulate natural language so much as it should > strive *not* to emulate other artifical languages. ;) >
There are at least some features of other contemporary programming languages that are there precisely because they have been shown to have value. (We shouldn't stop using "+" for addition just because other programming languages do so.) When other languages contain ideas that have been shown to be of value to real programmers who work on real projects, there's something to be said for asking, Does REBOL have anything to address this? If not, why can't it use tried-and-true ideas? I guess I just tend to be more interested in whether REBOL is internally coherent than in whether it resembles (or refuses to resemble) other languages. If I wanted to use a language that was different just for the sake of being different, I'd use INTERCAL. ;-) -jn- -- ; Joel Neely joeldotneelyatfedexdotcom REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] { | e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiub} 2 ]

 [13/13] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 12-May-2002 21:53

Hi Joel, << I think it was Alan Perlis who said "Syntactical sugar causes cancer of the semicolon!" >> I *have* to file that one away! That's great. << I don't even regard it as an ideal. The lack of professionalism in the programming field is one of the major factors behind the so-called "software crisis" that has been with us for the past 25 years or so. >> I agree whole-heartedly. I don't regard it as an ideal, though you're probably right in that many people do. I think it is a holy grail that falls deeply in the realms of "be careful what you wish for..." :) <<
> ... you have to admit that a lot of non-programmers are writing > programs that do useful stuff these days, generally in > sugar-coated languages.
Such as? I'm really not sure what you're referring to here. If you could give an example or two I'd appreciate it.
Well, there are undoubtedly thousands of in-house apps, built by people who just keep hacking away at them until they work, never understanding why, or what's still not working that they don't know about. Fault-ridden as they might be, someone built them to solve a problem they had, and they do that to at least some extent. I've seen a number of these, and I'm sure you have too, perhaps cringing at the sight of them. :) Another general example would be the hundreds, if not thousands, of shareware apps (mainly written in Visual Basic if we're talking about Windows). Need to track your bowling scores? Do you design hi-fi speakers? Too many recipes in your recipe box? A PIM, that's what you need! :) << I think we'll get more mileage out of addressing those areas that really give beginners difficulty in learning the language, as compared to stylistic issues that each programmer can choose for his/her own code without binding those judgement call on everybody else. >> Agreed. << There are at least some features of other contemporary programming languages that are there precisely because they have been shown to have value. (We shouldn't stop using "+" for addition just because other programming languages do so.) >> I guess sometimes it becomes a question of origins. The usage of + originated in mathematics. Now, whether mathematics is an artificial language...let's not go there. :) << When other languages contain ideas that have been shown to be of value to real programmers who work on real projects, there's something to be said for asking, Does REBOL have anything to address this? If not, why can't it use tried-and-true ideas?
Yes, but with caution - as I'm sure you'd agree. I'd also still distinguish between the "idea" and the "implementation", and whether something belongs *in* REBOL, or is made *with* REBOL. --Gregg

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