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Newer Rebol Dictionary?

 [1/4] from: belymt:saunalahti:fi at: 5-May-2001 16:25

HI I have been trying to learn Rebol and I found this nice file from Rebol website: REBOL Dictionary for Generated by REBOL on 28-Oct-1999/17:40:32-7:00 Copyright © 1997-1999 REBOL Technologies It's nice Html- document but too old for a reference.. Is there any newer available, and If possible one with view-wordset explained? There was Rebol script for maing a new one but it did not work for me (sorry.. Can't remember exact error message). Joanna

 [2/4] from: allenk:powerup:au at: 6-May-2001 0:30

The "words" script is a good resource to use instead of the old dictionary . It is in the documentation folder on the REBOL/View desktop. And of course there is always 'help and 'what from the console. Cheers, Allen K

 [3/4] from: pa:russo:perd at: 5-May-2001 16:47

>HI >I have been trying to learn Rebol and I found this nice file from
<<quoted lines omitted: 4>>
>It's nice Html- document but too old for a reference.. Is there any >newer available, and If possible one with view-wordset explained?
You can use the "REBOL Function Reference Browser 1.2.3" alias words.r in the "Docs" folder of REBOL's Desktop. And the "help" command from console helps too. -- Paolo Russo [pa--russo--perd--com] _________________ PERD s.r.l. Virtual Technologies for Real Solutions

 [4/4] from: carl:rebol at: 6-May-2001 10:08

Also, one of these days, we'll add a PRINT to the Words Dictionary, and it will generate the HTML file (more than 100 pages on printer).

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