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picked items in text-list

 [1/2] from: bzr::francenet::fr at: 13-Dec-2001 9:22

Hi all, The text-list widgets keep track of clicked items by content and not by position. It means that if several items have the same text, clicking on one results in all of them being selected. This is unfortunate! Is there a workaround to this? The reason why I have the same text several times is because I use synchronized text-lists, and in some of the lists there may be duplicates. Thank in advance.

 [2/2] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 13-Dec-2001 11:53

Hi Jean, << The text-list widgets keep track of clicked items by content and not by position. It means that if several items have the same text, clicking on one results in all of them being selected. This is unfortunate! Is there a workaround to this? >> AFAIK you would have to build your own list control, based on text-list, with the behavior you want. --Gregg