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Java bindings?

 [1/6] from: SunandaDH::aol::com at: 19-Jun-2003 12:22

I'm just tinkering with the design of a web-based project that'll be mainly in Java using Apache, Cocoon and Java -- that's not negotiable. But I'd like to do the heavy lifting -- a lot of data comparing -- in REBOL. Has anyone linked to REBOL from Java, and can you hint at any issues involved that'll leap up and bite me later? Thanks! Sunanda.

 [2/6] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 19-Jun-2003 10:10

* [SunandaDH--aol--com] <[SunandaDH--aol--com]> [030619 09:49]:
> I'm just tinkering with the design of a web-based project that'll be mainly > in Java using Apache, Cocoon and Java -- that's not negotiable. > > But I'd like to do the heavy lifting -- a lot of data comparing -- in REBOL. > > Has anyone linked to REBOL from Java, and can you hint at any issues involved > that'll leap up and bite me later?
Hi Sunanda: I can't anticipate anything myself, but even though I own my business, and write much in rebol where it pleases me, that I have to sometimes serve specific requests from clients (like "try to use a well-know language like python or perl") Most compilable (C/C++ for example) and scripting (Perl, python) allow system calls.As does Java, I believe. That gives you the opportunity to harness rebol applications by launching them from other applications. Messages can be sent from an application to another via tcp/ip, which rebol 'shines' at. One could then have 'two-way messenging'. Since CGI programming is stateless, a web 'application' can call on scripts from any number of language sources. The good 'ol Common Gateway Interface still does the job.... And I'm still looking for "mod rebol" in apache <grin> regards -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>

 [3/6] from: SunandaDH:aol at: 23-Jun-2003 5:10

> Most compilable (C/C++ for example) and scripting (Perl, python) allow > system calls.As does Java, I believe.
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> scripts from any number of language sources. The good 'ol Common > Gateway Interface still does the job....
Thanks for that. It pretty much confirms what I'd been thinking. Having another App (in whatever language) fire up a REBOL console whenever needed is a simple solution. But it may have all sorts of performance downsides, especially if REBOL has to handshake with MySQL each time. Having a long-running task that talks via TCP/IP to the boss is simpler conceptually. but adds reliability headaches -- whose job is it to restart the LRTs if they fall over? We're going to dabble around with designs and see what looks the best, Thanks again, Sunanda.

 [4/6] from: igouy:y:ahoo at: 23-Jun-2003 5:50

> Having a long-running task that talks via TCP/IP to > the boss is simpler > conceptually. but adds reliability headaches -- > whose job is it to restart the LRTs > if they fall over?
FWIW, Erlang OTP has "behaviours" designed for these issues

 [5/6] from: nitsch-lists:netcologne at: 23-Jun-2003 15:43

[SunandaDH--aol--com] wrote:
>Tim: >> Most compilable (C/C++ for example) and scripting (Perl, python) allow
<<quoted lines omitted: 17>>
>conceptually. but adds reliability headaches -- whose job is it to restart the LRTs >if they fall over?
you could run only one instance of rebol. java can send commands to rebols stdin, and get output on stdout. like cgi. but you don't do one request, but keep rebol running for other request. prtokoll: send rebol [size-of-data data], wait for reply of [size-of-data data]. and again.

 [6/6] from: tim:johnsons-web at: 23-Jun-2003 7:27

* [SunandaDH--aol--com] <[SunandaDH--aol--com]> [030623 01:42]:
> Tim: > > Most compilable (C/C++ for example) and scripting (Perl, python) allow
<<quoted lines omitted: 12>>
> Having another App (in whatever language) fire up a REBOL console whenever > needed is a simple solution.
There would no reason to 'fire up' a rebol consol (unless you wanted to) see re program arguments.
> But it may have all sorts of performance downsides, > especially if REBOL has to handshake with MySQL each time.
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>

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