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Reading POP mail from my ISP

 [1/2] from: c:brizell:worc:ac at: 2-Oct-2001 7:19

I am trying to read my mail from my POP3 account on my ISP server. Unfortunately my account name is of the form [my--name--mydomain--co--uk] and I get the following error. I presume this is due to the @ in my account name. Is there a way of escaping the @ character in my account name?
>> mailbox: open pop://[my--name--mydomain--co--uk]:[passwd--mail--mydomain--co--uk]
connecting to: ** Access Error: Cannot connect to ** Where: open-proto ** Near: mailbox: open pop://[my--name--mydomain--co--uk]:[passwd--mail--mydomain--co--uk]
I hope one of you can help Cheers colinb Colin Brizell

 [2/2] from: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 2-Oct-2001 8:51

Yes, I can help here, as it was Larry who helped me with the same issue some time ago, although related to ftp protocol. Add following line to your user.r file or to your script, before you open your pop account: net-utils/url-parser/user-char: union net-utils/url-parser/user-char make bitset! #"@" Now I would like to know, if RT should patch url-parser, or @ is forbidden char for user part of url? Anyway, hope-that-helps, -pekr- Colin Brizell wrote: