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Survey - Rebol In Australia

 [1/2] from: brett:codeconscious at: 19-Feb-2001 13:55

Hi List, I'm looking at building a customised system using Rebol for a client. I would like to find out how many Rebol developers there are now in Australia. Please send me an email if you think you could maintain a system written in Rebol. You would have to be reasonably experienced at Rebol and have developed commercially in some programming language. I'm not asking for a commitment. I just want to know how many active Rebol programmers there are now in Australia. I'm not making an offer just trying to establish if Rebol has enough support here to develop in it. The main issue I see is that I need to convince the client that if I cannot in the future maintain the system, there will be someone else who can. I haven't discounted the possibility of developers outside Australia doing the work but I really don't know the business consequences of this - at this stage [ideas/experience welcome]. To avoid cluttering the list it might be better to respond to me by my email address [brett--codeconscious--com] I'll post stats in a few days. Thanks Brett.

 [2/2] from: brett:codeconscious at: 23-Feb-2001 23:31

> Please send me an email if you think you could maintain a system > written in Rebol.
The results are somewhat sparse but anyway here are the promised stats.... Queensland: 2 Victoria: 2 I live in New South Wales (Sydney). Brett