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Tab List for RebGUI

 [1/4] from: henrik:webz:dk at: 20-Mar-2007 11:08

Hi, all In my ongoing redesign of the graphics in RebGUI, I made a new tab list last week, based solely on DRAW. It's not 100% ready for inclusion yet, but I wanted to hear from you folks whether you like the contrast, gradient style and how clear it is with the selected tab, compared to the original. -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [2/4] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 20-Mar-2007 16:13

Henrik Mikael Kristensen napsal(a):
> Hi, all > In my ongoing redesign of the graphics in RebGUI, I made a new tab
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> folks whether you like the contrast, gradient style and how clear it > is with the selected tab, compared to the original.
I don't know guys. Maybe it is me, but I like darker colors? Maybe I am just full enough of XPish look? All RebGUI looks too dull and boring. If I personally compare with , or Detective look, it looks refreshing. Maybe I don't like pinky/yelowish/red/beige cast to the interface. I like more clean white (sharp) interface. New tabs are nicer, as they do use gradients, but imo we need some full color scheme as new default for RebGUI. Pity we don't have gfx man here, who would do complete mock-ups of the interface. As for another point on tab - shouldn't it be 1 or two pixels taller, to better fit with button's size?

 [3/4] from: henrik::webz::dk at: 20-Mar-2007 18:25

On 20/03/2007, at 16:13, Petr Krenzelok wrote:
>> >>
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> white > (sharp) interface.
The color is the cause here, I think. It's easy enough to fix. I could try to copy the color scheme from the detective for future screenshots. The tabs are fully color adaptive, so there should not be a problem in that.
> New tabs are nicer, as they do use gradients, but imo we need some > full
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> taller, to > better fit with button's size?
I actually tried this, but it led to much greater code complexity and it failed to work properly with the blue outline of the panel, which was pushed below the visible area inside the panel and I could not figure out how to counter adjust for that. The second issue is that each tab is actually 1 pixel narrower than you see, because two adjacent tabs share the vertical 1 pixel line. When I tried to move the tab 1 pixel above, there was an ugly hole in the outline, which would be very expensive to fix. The third issue was that text placement will look wrong, i.e. the text for a highlighted tab will be pushed down, if the tab isn't place exactly right vertically in the layout. I spent half a day on that single thing, so I just dropped it. :-) -- Regards, Henrik Mikael Kristensen

 [4/4] from: anton:wilddsl:au at: 21-Mar-2007 11:36

That looks quite pretty and clean to me. Anton.

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