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Rebol Dictionary as Clipbook Library Re:

 [1/2] from: bhandley::zip::com::au at: 23-Jul-2000 10:52

From: <[webdev--accglobal--net]>
> For those that aren't familiar with "Notetab" you should go visit >
No I wasn't familiar with it. It is an absolutely brilliant program. Thanks for the reference!
> You can edit your rebol scripts in "Notetab" and view the dictionary > file without loading your browser.
Great! Brett.

 [2/2] from: webdev:accglobal at: 23-Jul-2000 13:11

Dear Doug, Since you have bestowed such glowing admiration on my handiwork here is a link to my clipbook creations for "Rebol". You have the Rebol_dict.clb already. The math commands are here with "dialogue boxes" as well as the reference material from the original dictionary.html file from Rebol. I will be doing the rest of the commands over time. They will be grouped along functional lines in separate "clipbook" libraries to make access and mental assimilation easier for those that are new to all this. This includes myself unfortunately. I needed to do this to get my head wrapped around the code without going bug eyed searching through html docs. [doug--vos--eds--com] wrote: