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dbms project

 [1/11] from: mh983::yahoo::com at: 16-Jan-2002 8:47

Like Gregg Irwin, I too don't want to be a stick-in-the-mud, but... I thought I might venture to make a suggestion. Perhaps this dbms thread might be better served by making it a sourceforge project, or hosting it at a similar site? Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a great project and has generated a lot of interesting thoughts and ideas. But by moving it to sourceforge it would: 1. clear up this mailing list a bit (since the bulk of the messages lately are about this project) 2. would provide a place to store files and manage the project 3. might even get other developers interested who haven't even heard of REBOL yet (how sad) and who don't subscribe to the REBOL mailing lists. Just a suggestion :-) mike

 [2/11] from: rgaither:triad:rr at: 16-Jan-2002 10:47

Hi Mike,
>Like Gregg Irwin, I too don't want to be a stick-in-the-mud, >but...
Freedom of speech is a very, very good thing in my book. :-)
> I thought I might venture to make a suggestion. Perhaps >this dbms thread might be better served by making it a
<<quoted lines omitted: 9>>
>even heard of REBOL yet (how sad) and who don't >subscribe to the REBOL mailing lists.
I am not very familiar with sourceforge or other options but agree we should try and get this kind of "semi-related" discussion out of the way of the main list - at least until we are talking about code.
>Just a suggestion :-)
And a reasonable one at that. :-) I am open to options - anyone care to find a home for this? I have a website hosted but no website yet so I could be an option but it would take some extra work. I also have a linux server on the net full time that currently isn't getting used for anything that might be an option - though I am on a cable modem using dhcp behind a firewall etc. :-) My .02, Rod. Rod Gaither Oak Ridge, NC - USA [rgaither--triad--rr--com]

 [3/11] from: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 16-Jan-2002 11:08

> I am open to options - anyone care to find a home for this?
..As soon as our server is rebuilt, I can. Unfortunately we are a little delayed by some nasty linux scsi install voodoo:
> I have a website hosted but no website yet so I could be > an option but it would take some extra work. I also have a > linux server on the net full time that currently isn't getting > used for anything that might be an option - though I am on > a cable modem using dhcp behind a firewall etc. :-)
Where is yours? Perhaps we can put dbms3r site there right now. [my vote: Vanilla] It is small. We just need Apache + REBOL and access for cgi. with login + ftp for sintalltion, organizing, testing session write persissions, and backgound vanilla [rebol] scripts. Everthing else [normal content management] is through the web interface [http]. Snce it is REBOL we can add backend If you have a mail server, subscribers to the site can be notified politely of additions. Also we can set up a way to add to the site via email, and load up the relevant parts of this mailing list thread thus far in some form. We'd need to write a few custom scripts for that, but with rebol it should not be hard :-) Later we can develop a REBOl/View wrapper for dbms3r to offer another way to browsing and upload. ./Jason

 [4/11] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 16-Jan-2002 11:50

Jason, Rod, Michael, et al I think I would vote for Vanilla over SourceForge if only because it is another REBOL tool which we can use to build more REBOL tools and the couple times I peeked at it, it made a good impression on me. --Gregg

 [5/11] from: slok00:yah:oo at: 17-Jan-2002 2:46

At 10:47 AM 1/16/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I am open to options - anyone care to find a home for this?
sourceforge should be a good place. it provides u with a project space for the web site as well. URL will be something like "" and of course, it comes with project forums, CVS... also, I believe it allows you to select various license scheme as well. YekSoon

 [6/11] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 16-Jan-2002 20:47

Lok Yek Soon wrote:
>At 10:47 AM 1/16/2002 -0500, you wrote: >>I am open to options - anyone care to find a home for this?
<<quoted lines omitted: 3>>
>and of course, it comes with project forums, CVS... >also, I believe it allows you to select various license scheme as well.
what about simpler yahoo groups? -pekr-

 [7/11] from: louisaturk:eudoramail at: 16-Jan-2002 14:39

I can only speak for myself, but I have no objections to this project remaining on this list. I am very interested. If you do move it, please let me know. Louis

 [8/11] from: ammonjohnson:y:ahoo at: 16-Jan-2002 16:26

I too am interested in this project although I have to time to participate, I will make a few suggestions, First use Yahoo Groups ( I would be glad to set it up for you, I have set up several groups...) Second dbms is a pretty generic name, how about rdbms(REBOL dbms)? Just let me know if you want me to set it up for you. (Sent it to my personal mail, I might miss it if you send it to the list) Enjoy!! Ammon Petr Krenzelok wrote:

 [9/11] from: ammonjohnson:y:ahoo at: 16-Jan-2002 22:22

I really should proof read my posts! ;-)) I to am interested in this project although I have no time to participate, I will make a few suggestions, First use Yahoo Groups ( I would be glad to set it up for you, I have set up several groups...) Second *dbms* is a pretty generic name, how about RDBMS (REBOL dbms)? Just let me know if you want me to set it up for you. (Sent the request to my personal mail, I might miss it if you send it to the list) Enjoy!! Ammon Ammon Johnson wrote:

 [10/11] from: rgaither:triad:rr at: 17-Jan-2002 9:16

Hi All, Looks like I am going to run out of free time a little earlier than expected. I am going to have to withdraw my offer of helping provide a home for the project as I won't have the time to do the admin and setup required. :-( On the list so far - 1. Vanilla 2. SourceForge 3. Yahoo Groups I will try and follow the project but may not be able to help much for a couple of weeks - at least. Just when you get things running smoothly management decides you need to move on to something else. :-) FYI, Rod. Rod Gaither Oak Ridge, NC - USA [rgaither--triad--rr--com]

 [11/11] from: chalz:earthlink at: 17-Jan-2002 23:23

Petr suggested a Yahoo groups list. That's not too shabby an idea. I haven't any experience with Sourceforge, except for going there to download. But it seems to me if you want a little better control over who has access to the system/mailings/files/etc, you could go with the Yahoo groups. Although, I would ask that this and related topics move off-list, maybe - it's just too much traffic for me ;) But then, I also think that a news:// group would also make a decent forum for this. --Charles

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