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tree style

 [1/2] from: etienne::alaurent::free::fr at: 14-Apr-2002 19:59

Hi, all, I built a tree-list I called outliner. To see it in action, launch Skins demo from my reb-site (Etienne > Tools > Skins demo v2 > Skins demo 2). Send me your comments. -- regards. --- Etienne

 [2/2] from: robert:muench:robertmuench at: 15-Apr-2002 15:48

> -----Original Message----- > From: [rebol-bounce--rebol--com] [mailto:[rebol-bounce--rebol--com]]On Behalf Of
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> "Skins demo" from my reb-site (Etienne > Tools > Skins demo v2 > Skins > demo 2).
Hi, that's nice! And it's something I'm looking for (and just try to do on my own :-|). Can those widgets be used stand-alone? Robert

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