Shared Library Returns...
[1/9] from: carl:rebol at: 17-May-2001 18:10
A Beta 1 version of the shared script library is back
in operation for View users. It's on the View desktop.
You can add and modify scripts with the Add-script app.
This script and its CGI back-end require a few header
fields be present.
Eventually a nice browser will be added... but first
things first.
Every so often we'll rebuild the HTML index files to
this library. Eventually that will be automated.
I'm sure there are some bugs lurking. Use the Bugs? icon
to report them during this beta period.
[2/9] from: brett:codeconscious at: 18-May-2001 13:56
Hi Carl,
I noticed a few errors when looking through the library - could not open
certain idx- files. I guess they don't exist.
The other thing is that so many of the scripts there are core scripts -
dissappearing after running. Quite a number make reference to image files
that have not been downloaded to the cache and therefore bomb out.
So my concern is that a new Rebol/View user will be confused when their
expectation of "click on icon and it does something" is frustrated.
It might be an idea to have a special View interface for dealing with Core
only type scripts or that the Core scripts have to be re-written to pause
before finishing.
[3/9] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 18-May-2001 6:23
Hello Carl,
Joel is right - it is not good to accept every script. I just tried
first two ones:
1) Bouncing ball - crashed ...
2) Spooky text - it doesn't contain window gadgets to close it - you
have to shut down the task via task manager
Both above cases should be enough to NOT accept the script into library.
The reason is - if newcomer will come first to rebol and there is going
to be many scripts which do a) nothing b) problems, it will left him
with bad impression and possibly after leaving he/she will not come back
and will spread bad attitude towards rebol, while we need just opposite.
... or just do it as Cyphre - wrap each View script into VID window ....
the underlying script does not even have to know it - just look at SWIS
[4/9] from: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 18-May-2001 6:28
btw: I have two other things to mention:
1) How to remove completly annoying X axis offset, which can be seen
once View desktop starts?
2) bring access permission dialog box into front, please. It is very
frustrating to press script icon and see nothing happen. You have to
minimize ALL windows to see such dialog box, which is sitting as the
last window on the desktop - there should be no problem bringing it to
top, no?
[5/9] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 18-May-2001 18:58
On Fri, 18 May 2001 13:56:56 +1000
"Brett Handley" <[brett--codeconscious--com]> wrote:
> I noticed a few errors when looking through the library -
> could not open
> certain idx- files. I guess they don't exist.
You can check to see if they're there or not at:
Graham Chiu
[6/9] from: m:koopmans2:chello:nl at: 18-May-2001 9:27
One more thing... there shoudl be a 'needs' field in the srcipt
[7/9] from: gchiu:compkarori at: 18-May-2001 21:15
On Fri, 18 May 2001 06:23:40 +0200
Petr Krenzelok <[Petr--Krenzelok--trz--cz]> wrote:
> 2) Spooky text - it doesn't contain window gadgets to
> close it - you
> have to shut down the task via task manager
Alt-F4 works for me.
Graham Chiu
[8/9] from: carl:rebol at: 18-May-2001 8:37
Thanks for the comments. Yes, this is a beta. I hope new users
see it that way... but I agree with you (and other comments on
this thread too).
On those missing folders... I added a few categories that have no
scripts, so the folders were not created. Probably should add the
folder, even tho it is empty. That would prevent the popup.
I also want to add a text file to every folder to explain what
types of scripts it contains.
On the problem with core scripts... we should discuss this. The
script library contains more than just runable scripts. It also
1) Examples - that show users something, but don't do much useful.
2) Function Includes - that define functions, but do nothing else.
3) CGI or server script - that need to be run on a server.
4) Pro or Command scripts - that require more than Core or View
It looks like we will need to add another field to headers to indicate
the above. That info could be used by add-script to use different
icons for different scripts. Users can then see what icons are worth
clicking on.
There might be some way to indicate that the script needs to keep
the console open when it has finished. Otherwise, you just see a
flash on the screen for Core scripts, and wonder what happened.
I think we can manually fix some of the scripts that require images
by adding a read-thru or request-download to them. Eventually this
will be added to the needs field... making it even easier to include.
Finally, I would like a browser for the library. It would appear
in the top level folder and allow users to easily browse the library
by topic. I've got a prototype for that here somewhere... I can post
it, and you can enhance it.
[9/9] from: agem:crosswinds at: 18-May-2001 18:48
An option for /core-scripts could be:
wrap them in a /easy
which contains an extract button
and docu?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 18.05.01, 16:37:37, schrieb "Carl Sassenrath" <[carl--rebol--com]> zum
Thema [REBOL] Re: Shared Library Returns...: