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[ANN] Messages 0.7.5

 [1/1] from: ryan::christiansen::intellisol::com at: 12-Apr-2001 9:49

Messages 0.7.5 is complete. Improvements include: -Integrated search function. -New check-sessionID function to replace redundant code. -Admin interface improvements. You can see Messages in a working state at Following is the updated script. #!rebol -cs REBOL [ Title: "Messages" Date: 12-Apr-2001 Version: 0.7.5 File: %messages.cgi Home: Author: "Ryan C. Christiansen" Email: [norsepower--qwest--net] Rights: "Copyright (C) Ryan C. Christiansen 1999-2001" Purpose: { Create, display, edit, and delete messages using a standard XML storage format and CSS2-reference <DIV> tags for display. The script is dependent on the use of .css stylesheets for separate messageTypes. } Comment: { This file %messages.cgi is a single engine for creating, displaying, editing, and deleting messages. For displaying, editing, and deleting messages, %messages.cgi must receive the following variables as CGI input: actionType, messageType, and messageID. For creating messages, %messages.cgi must receive a REBOL e-mail object! as input or the following variables as CGI input: actionType, messageType, subject, author, and content. During message creation, %messages.cgi creates the following variables: date and messageID. } History: [ 0.0.9 [4-Jan-2001 "Created %std_msg_func_lib.r based on previous work." "Ryan"] 0.1.1 [5-Jan-2001 "Added 'display-markup object! functions and changed file name to %standard-message-function-library.r" "Ryan"] 0.1.2 [8-Jan-2001 "Fixed 'read-message-directory to output file names including path to directory defined by messageType." "Ryan"] 0.2.1 [9-Jan-2001 "Corrected target 'word in 'write-xml-message. Added 'create-message object! functions. Corrected 'display-markup to output string! datatype instead of block! datatype. Negated use of 'message-request-data target variable in 'read-directory-messages. Added 'get-messages-for-display object! functions." "Ryan"] 0.2.3 [10-Jan-2001 "Added 'display-messages function, the top-level function for displaying messages. Pared down usage in 'Example portion of header to include only top-most functions. Removed /html-output function from 'get-messages-for-display object! and removed /html function from 'display-markup object!" "Ryan"] 0.2.4 [11-Jan-2001 "Changed the order of values (switched 'author' and 'subject') for the XML grammar in all functions. Changed the 'either switch in 'display-messages from 'none to the string! datatype 'none'." Ryan ] 0.2.5 [8-Feb-2001 "Removed incorrect class/id combinations from CSS font designations. Changed 'display-markup and 'display-messages to markup content using only CSS class designations instead of class/id combinations." "Ryan"] 0.2.7 [18-Feb-2001 "Added routine to 'display-messages function which will display all messages in a directory minus the content value. The index option is called by sending 'index' as the 'messageID value to 'display-messages." "Ryan"] 0.3.7 [28-Mar-2001 "Changed name of script to %messages.cgi. Changed e-mail address in header. Updated Comment and Example field in header. Changed 'display-markup to markup messages using <div> tags instead of <font> tags. Changed 'display-markup from a function to an object which includes 'for-reading object including 'with-reference (display messageID and messageType) and 'without-reference functions, and also 'for-editing object with 'with-reference function to display a message or messages for editing, including <FORM> and <INPUT> tags. Added 'edit-message function for editing messages. Added 'edited-from-cgi function to 'decode-to-object object! Added 'delete-message function. Added 'message-action-cgi uber-function." "Ryan"] 0.5.0 [29-Mar-2001 "Added return display for delete, create, and edit switches in 'message-action-cgi. Changed 'append to 'insert in 'read-directory-messages function, which will make newest messages display first. Changed radio button value for edit/delete choice from 'choice' to 'actionType'. Fixed the way 'for-editing object functions display form values and form targets. Added form for creating new messages to 'for-editing object functions. Added 'create-form' action type to switch in 'message-action-cgi function. Added 'display-create-form function to display message creation form. Added Bohdan Lechnowsky's %encrypt.r functions. Created 'encrypt-logins function for creating %.bin files containing usernames and passwords. Added 'display-login-form function to display login form. Added 'sessionID check to all administration functions including delete, edit, display-admin, create, and create-form. Added 'sessionID variables to form output in all admin forms. Added sort/reverse statement in 'read-dir ectory-messages function in an attempt to make the newest messages display first. Added if error? try statement to program section script which will default to displaying messages in the absence of cgi input data." "Ryan"] 0.5.1 [30-Mar-2001 "Changed sort/reverse statement in 'read-directory-messages function so that it sorts the 'message-directory block instead of the 'message-block block." "Ryan"] 0.5.6 [4-Apr-2001 "Removed HTML headers from 'display-create-form and 'display-login-form. Removed 'without-reference function in 'display-messages/for-reading object!, making 'display-messages/for-reading a function replacing the 'with-reference function. Made 'display-messages/for-editing a function replacing the 'with-reference function within the 'display-messages/for-editing object! All messages will display references. Changed 'display-admin' switch to 'edit-form' in 'message-action-cgi function. Added parse statement to display 'messageID and 'messageType in 'display-messages/for-editing function." "Ryan"] 0.6.0 [5-Apr-2001 "Added 'display-comments' switch to 'message-action-cgi, including 'reverse-input function which will make the messageID the messageType for comment viewing and posting. Added post/view comments link to 'display-messages/for-editing function. Added error correction to stylesheet loading, making it load %comments.css on error (expecting an error when the messageType is messageID after the 'reverse-input operation. Added 'display-comment-form function." "Ryan"] 0.6.6 [6-Apr-2001 "Added 'post-comment-input object to 'comment' switch, including 'parent-messageID value in 'comment' switch and 'display-comment-form function, allowing a comment's parent to be displayed after commenting, eliminating an error. Made 'display-messages/for-reading function an object! containing functions 'for-commenting and 'no-commenting. Updated 'message-action-cgi switch statements for the change. Added 'parent-message-input object and 'post-comment-reverse-input object to 'comment' switch for displaying original message and proper comment input form after comment creation. Added <DIV> tag to post/view comments link. Added post/view comments links to 'display-messages/for-editing function. Added 'display-comments-edit' switch to 'message-action-cgi function." "Ryan"] 0.7.4 [11-Apr-2001 "Added 'message-block return statement to 'read-directory-messages function and moved 'sort/reverse statement to sort 'message-block instead of 'message-directory. Added error-checking to 'display' switch in 'message-action-cgi. Added 'make decimal! statement to 'login' switch in 'message-action-cgi. Created 'check-sessionID function to replace redundant code in 'message-action-cgi. Added 'sessionID-timeout value in configuration section. Changed 'Edit' and 'Delete' and 'Create New!' options in 'display-messages/for-editing function to be more descriptive. Added 'search-messages function. Added 'search' switch to 'message-action-cgi. Added search form to all 'display-messages object! output." "Ryan"] 0.7.5 [12-Apr-2001 "Moved 'message-block return statement in 'search-messages function. Removed 'search' switch debugging in 'message-action-cgi." "Ryan"] ] Example: { Decode CGI input and create, display, edit, or delete message(s). This is the script's uber-function for CGI. message-action-cgi To decode CGI input from the web server: cgi-input: retrieve-user-data Using decoded CGI data, write XML standard message file to directory determined by messageType. create-message/from-cgi cgi-input Using an e-mail message or newsgroup message in the form of a REBOL e-mail object!, write XML standard message file to 'email' directory. create-message/from-email email-message Convert decoded CGI data into the standard message object!, overwriting a previously created message. edit-message cgi-input Delete a previously created message. delete-message cgi-input Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID and messageType to the reader. display-messages/for-reading/with-reference cgi-input Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, not displaying the messageID nor the messageType to the reader. display-messages/for-reading/without-reference cgi-input Using decoded CGI data containing messageID and messageType variables, either display a single message (messageID specified), a directory of messages (messageID = "none"), or an index of messages (messageID = "index") to the browser, including displaying the messageID and messageType to the reader, in an HTML form for editing. display-messages/for-editing/with-reference cgi-input } ] ;######################################## ;# CONFIGURATION # ;######################################## sessionID-timeout: make decimal! 1000 ;######################################## ;# FUNCTIONS # ;######################################## translate-message: make object! [ xml-tags: [ ["subject" "/subject"] ["author" "/author"] ["date" "/date"] ["content" "/content"] ["messageID" "/messageID"] ["messageType" "/messageType"] ] markup-data: func [ "Converts a standard message object! into a string containing the XML-format standard message." data [object!] "The standard message object!" ][ data-object: make data [] object-data: next first data-object output: copy "" for x 1 (length? xml-tags) 1 [ item: reform [rejoin ["data-object" "/" (first object-data)]] made-tag: rejoin ["" (build-tag [(xml-tags/1/1)]) (do item) (build-tag [(xml-tags/1/2)])] xml-tags: next xml-tags object-data: next object-data append output made-tag ] xml-tags: head xml-tags output ] read-markup: func [ "Converts a file containing the XML-format standard message into a standard message object!" xml-file [file!] "File containing the XML-format standard message." ][ message-data: load/markup xml-file xml-data: make object! [ subject: message-data/<subject> author: message-data/<author> date: message-data/<date> content: message-data/<content> messageID: message-data/<messageID> messageType: message-data/<messageType> ] xml-data ] ] decode-to-object: make object! [ from-cgi: func [ "Converts decoded CGI data into the standard message object!" cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data." ][ make object! [ subject: cgi-data/subject author: cgi-data/author date: now content: cgi-data/content messageID: time-in-digits now messageType: cgi-data/messageType ] ] edited-from-cgi: func [ "Converts decoded CGI data into the standard message object!" cgi-data [object!] "Decoded CGI data." ][ make object! [ subject: cgi-data/subject author: cgi-data/author date: cgi-data/date content: cgi-data/content messageID: cgi-data/messageID messageType: cgi-data/messageType ] ] from-email: func [ "Converts the standard REBOL e-mail object! into the standard message object!" email-data [object!] "Standard REBOL e-mail object!" ][ make object! [ subject: email-data/subject author: email-data/from date: email-data/date content: email-data/content messageID: time-in-digits now messageType: "email" ] ] time-in-digits: func [ "Convert the date and time from 'now' into a string of digits." sun-dial [date!] "The current date and time from 'now." ][ year: to-string sun-dial/year month: to-string sun-dial/month if (length? month) < 2 [insert month "0"] day: to-string sun-dial/day if (length? day) < 2 [insert day "0"] current-time: sun-dial/time hour: to-string current-time/hour if (length? hour) < 2 [insert hour "0"] minutes: to-string current-time/minute if (length? minutes) < 2 [insert minutes "0"] seconds: to-string current-time/second if (length? seconds) < 2 [insert seconds "0"] rejoin [year month day hour minutes seconds] ] ] time-in-digits: func [ "Convert the date and time from 'now' into a string of digits." sun-dial [date!] "The current date and time from 'now'" ][ year: to-string sun-dial/year month: to-string sun-dial/month if (length? month) < 2 [insert month "0"] day: to-string sun-dial/day if (length? day) < 2 [insert day "0"] current-time: sun-dial/time hour: to-string current-time/hour if (length? hour) < 2 [insert hour "0"] minutes: to-string current-time/minute if (length? minutes) < 2 [insert minutes "0"] seconds: to-string current-time/second if (length? seconds) < 2 [insert seconds "0"] rejoin [year month day hour minutes seconds] ] retrieve-user-data: func [] [ return make object! decode-cgi either system/options/cgi/request-method = "POST" [ input ][ system/options/cgi/query-string ] ] write-xml-message: func [ "Write the XML-formatted standard message data with a file name determined by messageID and to a directory determined by messageType." xml-message-string [string!] "The XML-formatted standard message as it resides in memory as a string! datatype." ][ message-data: load/markup xml-message-string save-path: make file! (rejoin [message-data/<messageType> "/" message-data/<messageID>]) write/binary save-path xml-message-string ] read-message-directory: func [ "Read a directory of file names corresponding to a directory of XML-formatted standard messages with the directory determined by messageType." message-request-data [object!] "The data from the request to view messages, typically from an HTML form submitted to CGI." ][ message-directory: read (directory-name: make file! (rejoin [message-request-data/messageType "/"])) foreach message message-directory [ replace message message (make file! (rejoin [message-request-data/messageType "/" message])) ] message-directory ] read-message: func [ "Read a specific XML-formatted standard message with the directory determined by messageType and the file name determined by messageID." message-request-data [object!] "The data from the request to view a specific message, typically from an HTML form subm