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converting <> to !=

 [1/3] from: moliad::aei::ca at: 24-Aug-2006 4:00

hi list, its been a while since I've posted anything of worth, but I just stumbled across this and I think some of you will appreciate it: set '!= get in system/words first [<>] this allows you to use != instead of <> in your arithmetic. ex: 1 != 3 ==True or val: 34 either val != 20 [print "not 20"] [print "is 20"] == not 20 ciao! -MAx

 [2/3] from: anton::wilddsl::net::au at: 25-Aug-2006 2:14

There is a Rebol3 blog article with interesting comments: Anton.

 [3/3] from: tim-johnsons::web::com at: 24-Aug-2006 11:45

* Anton Rolls <> [060824 08:21]:
> There is a Rebol3 blog article with interesting comments: >
Personal, I prefer '<>, and on my emacs it is simply a matter of typing Control-o h, but it is nice to have the option. At one time, when I was programming in C and have problems with my eyes, I wrote a C preprocessor macro to present != as NE. The cool thing about rebol is that ops are customizable, whereas in other languages, ops are immutable syntax. tj
> Anton. > > -----Original Message-----
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