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REBOL/View problems and questions

 [1/4] from: c:langreiter:tirol at: 15-Apr-2001 17:42

Hi REBOLs, I'm pretty new to /View (I've played with it about a year ago but since I have forgotten everything I knew about it) and I've to say it looks _good_. However, on my adventurous rides the first troublemakers are showing up. So those are my questions: A. I have a text-list in a layout. How can I change its contents at runtime? Nothing I have tried (tl/text, /texts, /data) worked. Is it possible at all? B. I have a field in a layout the contents of which are changed via a button (f/text: "blah!"). Problem: Once I manually enter data into the field, I can't change it programmatically any more. Is this a bug or behaviour to be expected? Best wishes and thanks in advance, Chris

 [2/4] from: allen:aussieweb:au at: 17-Apr-2001 12:13

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Langreiter" <[c--langreiter--tirol--com]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 1:42 AM Subject: [REBOL] REBOL/View problems and questions
> Hi REBOLs, > I'm pretty new to /View (I've played with it about a year ago but since
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> runtime? Nothing I have tried (tl/text, /texts, /data) worked. Is it > possible at all?
Here is a very quick one. (Perhaps someone can dig out Sterling's example which resizes the dragger for the contents, I don't have it on this machine) view layout [tl: text-list "a" "b" "c" [append tl/data random 10 show tl]]
> B. I have a field in a layout the contents of which are changed via a > button (f/text: "blah!"). Problem: Once I manually enter data into the > field, I can't change it programmatically any more. Is this a bug or > behaviour to be expected?
Use copy if you are assigning the "value". view layout [f: field button "Click" [f/text: copy "blah!" show f]] Cheers, Allen K

 [3/4] from: chris::langreiter::com at: 17-Apr-2001 11:07

Allen, merci beaucoup. I had already solved the problems by intensely staring at some source code, the post took a long time to go through (why?). Anyway, the result of my lil' weekend explorations is described here:$1626?mode=day Cheers, Chris -- --

 [4/4] from: gjones05:mail:orion at: 17-Apr-2001 8:28

> From: "Christian Langreiter" > > Hi REBOLs,
<<quoted lines omitted: 8>>
> > possible at all? <snip>
From: "Allen Kamp"
> Here is a very quick one. (Perhaps someone can dig out Sterling's example > which resizes the dragger for the contents, I don't have it on this
> view layout [tl: text-list "a" "b" "c" [append tl/data random 10 show tl]] <snip>
Sterling's fix was: fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] [ foreach list to-block faces [ either 0 = length? list/data [ list/sld/redrag 1 ][ list/sld/redrag list/lc / length? list/data ] ] ] and demonstrated by: view layout [tl: text-list "a" "b" "c" [append tl/data random 10 fix-slider tl show tl]] There were some circumstances in which using tl/data (in this example) did not seem to work, but I can't recall all the conditions. But it seems like assigning a new block of values to the text-list would not work: ;doesn't work view layout [tl: text-list "a" "b" "c" [tl/data: ["new" "values"] fix-slider tl show tl]] By experimentation, I found that the following does work: ;does work view layout [tl: text-list "a" "b" "c" [tl/lines: ["new" "values"] fix-slider tl show tl]] The difference is using lines refinement instead of data. I also found the following modification to Sterling's fix works: ; modification based on original by Sterling ; updates the bar on the side of a text-list or group of text-lists fix-slider: func [faces [object! block!]] [ foreach list to-block faces [ ;either 0 = length? list/data [ either 0 = length? list/lines [ list/sld/redrag 1 ][ ;list/sld/redrag list/lc / length? list/data list/sld/redrag list/lc / length? list/lines ] ] ] What I cannot recall (I guess I suffer from chronic relapsing Alzheimer's and will probably respond to your question nine times! ;) was whether there was a circumstance where Sterling's fix did not work, and my modification did. At any rate, that's my two cents. --Scott Jones

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