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downloading Rebol View

 [1/6] from: slok00::yahoo::com at: 24-Apr-2001 19:00


 [2/6] from: slok00:ya:hoo at: 24-Apr-2001 19:06

Hi , Currently, when we download Rebol the link from the website direct us to a survey form. Is it possible to provide an option to skip the survey if we have already filled in once? I understand that I can bookmark the final download page, but there might be times that users may not be using the same workstation and from the site, the only way is to follow the links... how about a "developers/members" section ? just a thought YekSoon aka slok

 [3/6] from: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 25-Apr-2001 5:59

Quoting Lok Yek Soon ([slok00--yahoo--com]):
> Is it possible to provide an option to skip the > survey if we have already filled in once?
Yes, just hit the submit button and you will be forwarded to the download page. The survey is optional (even it is not mentioned) -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland

 [4/6] from: carl:cybercraft at: 25-Apr-2001 19:30

On 25-Apr-01, Jussi Hagman wrote:
> Quoting Lok Yek Soon ([slok00--yahoo--com]): >> Is it possible to provide an option to skip the >> survey if we have already filled in once? > Yes, just hit the submit button and you will be forwarded to the > download page. The survey is optional (even it is not mentioned)
It is mentioned now, though it didn't used to be: "Before proceeding with the free download, we would appreciate you answering the questions below, but they are not required." This is good, as many people are turned off by being forced to answer questions about themselves when all they're wanting to do is to see if they'll like a product. I can't remember if you can install View without being online, but if not, that could also make some people nervous. If it can't be helped, explaining why they need to be online will go some way to reassuring them. Incidentally, one complaint I've had about the REBOL way of doing things is that "You won't be able to buy programs, you'll have to use them online." Now, I know this isn't the case with general REBOL scripts and don't expect it to be so in the future, but how do you convince someone that REBOL's not the thin edge of the wedge to a world where all software is rented? -- Carl Read [carl--cybercraft--co--nz]

 [5/6] from: jhagman:infa:abo:fi at: 25-Apr-2001 14:10

Quoting Carl Read ([carl--cybercraft--co--nz]):
> On 25-Apr-01, Jussi Hagman wrote: > > Quoting Lok Yek Soon ([slok00--yahoo--com]):
<<quoted lines omitted: 5>>
> with the free download, we would appreciate you answering the > questions below, but they are not required."
Good. I did not check :)
> I can't remember if you can install View without being online,
It is possible, I tested it on both Amiga and Windows. -- Jussi Hagman CS in Åbo Akademi University Studentbyn 4 D 33 [juhagman--abo--fi] 20540 Åbo [jhagman--infa--abo--fi] Finland

 [6/6] from: allenk:powerup:au at: 25-Apr-2001 21:42

There is the built in upgrade command that you can use. However the script that is called is not currently working. I got this very odd result on the popup request reform what-am-i is not up-to-date. newline Current version is: version newline Download current version? Cheers, Allen K

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