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[cookie-client cookies url-encode] URL-ENCODE ignores non-string values

 [1/4] from: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 3-Feb-2006 12:04

The url-encode function in %cookie-client.r ignores non-string values, returning an empty string for them. Is that an intentional design element? If not, should it: a) Type the parameter to a string!, so it throws errors rather than failing silently. b) FORM the values passed in, so it can accept other types of values. c) Stay just like it is, because that's how people expect it to work. (people other than me, that is, I didn't expect it. :) -- Gregg

 [2/4] from: anton:wilddsl:au at: 25-Feb-2006 20:08

Hi Gregg, I was looking at that recently. I think that is a bug waiting to happen. I prefer your option A, although we might expect to sometimes get bits of urls or possibly binary!s. Anton.

 [3/4] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 25-Feb-2006 17:18

Hi Anton, AR> I was looking at that recently. AR> I think that is a bug waiting to happen. AR> I prefer your option A, although we might expect to AR> sometimes get bits of urls or possibly binary!s. We could type it to any-string! to be a little more flexible. I kind of like the idea of accepting any value, so you don't have to do all the casting every time you use the function. -- Gregg

 [4/4] from: anton:wilddsl:au at: 28-Feb-2006 16:13

Yes, I think that's a nicer interface. Anton.