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joining strings

 [1/5] from: semseddinm::bircom::com at: 27-Jul-2009 18:23

Hi, What is the best way to join a block into a string with a separator? I prefer not to use loop if it is possible. b: ["a" "b" "1" "2"] t: concat b "-" t => "a-b-1-2"

 [2/5] from: Christian::Ensel::gmx::de at: 27-Jul-2009 17:44

A bit rushed, but the following CONCAT seems to work. concat: func [values [block!] sep [string! char!] /local string] [ string: copy "" forall values [insert insert tail string sep first values] remove/part string length? sep ]
>> concat [] ", "
== ""
>> concat [1] ", "
== "1"
>> concat [1 "2" <3>] ", "
== "1, 2, <3>"
>> concat [1 "2" <3> %4 #5] ", "
== "1, 2, <3>, 4, 5"
>> concat ["a" "b" "1" "2"] "-"
== "a-b-1-2"
>> concat ["a" "b" "1" "2"] ", "
== "a, b, 1, 2" HTH, Christian -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Von: "Åžemseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ]" <> > Betreff: [REBOL] joining strings > What is the best way to join a block into a string with a separator? > I prefer not to use loop if it is possible. > b: ["a" "b" "1" "2"] > t: concat b "-"
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 [3/5] from: dhsunanda:gmai:l at: 27-Jul-2009 16:57

> What is the best way to join a block into a string with a separator?
The best way may be a loop as it permits you to handle special cases as they arise. With your test example, this will work: b: ["a" "b" "1" "2"] replace/all form b " " "-" == "a-b-1-2" But that will fail if any of your strings have embedded spaces. *** This works better with embedded spaces.... b: ["a z" " b" "1" "2"] replace/all replace/all mold/only b { "} "-" {"} "" == "a z- b-1-2" ....But it should not be hard to find test cases that break it -- eg if your strings also have embedded quotes: b: [{a z "} " b" "1" "2"] Sunanda,

 [4/5] from: gregg:pointillistic at: 27-Jul-2009 19:08

Hi Þemseddin, ÞMB> What is the best way to join a block into a string with a separator? ÞMB> I prefer not to use loop if it is possible. ÞMB> b: ["a" "b" "1" "2"] ÞMB> t: concat b "-" ÞMB> == "a-b-1-2" You got a couple replies already, but I'll add mine. In the past, some of us have suggested that REJOIN would benefit from a /WITH refinement, allowing you to specify an optional delimiting value. Since REJOIN is a mezzanine, you could do that yourself. I did that myself, but now I almost always use the following DELIMIT function, combined with a REJOIN in front of it if need be. I've found it to be more useful, with the skip refinement and ability to handle strings directly. I also use simple wrappers to make the intent clear, handle copying, etc. e.g. make-csv: func [block [block!]] [rejoin delimit copy block #","] DELIMIT function: delimit: func [ "Insert a delimiter between series values." series [series!] "Series to delimit. Will be modified." value "The delimiter to insert between items." /skip ;<-- be sure to use system/words/skip in this func size [integer!] "The number of items between delimiters. Default is 1." ][ ; By default, delimiters go between each item. ; MAX catches zero and negative sizes. size: max 1 any [size 1] ; If we aren't going to insert any delimiters, just return the series. ; This check means FORSKIP should always give us a series result, ; rather than NONE, so we can safely inline HEAD with it. if size + 1 > length? series [return series] ; We don't want a delimiter at the beginning. series: system/words/skip series size ; Use size+n because we're inserting a delimiter on each pass, ; and need to skip over that as well. If we're inserting a ; series into a string, we have to skip the length of that ; series. i.e. the delimiter value is more than a single item ; we need to skip. size: size + any [ all [list? series 0] ; lists behave differently; no need to skip dlm. all [any-string? series series? value length? value] all [any-string? series length? form value] 1 ] head forskip series size [insert/only series value] ] HTH! -- Gregg

 [5/5] from: sqlab:gmx at: 28-Jul-2009 8:38

Þemseddin Moldibi [ Bircom ] wrote:
> Hi, > What is the best way to join a block into a string with a separator? > I prefer not to use loop if it is possible. > > b: ["a" "b" "1" "2"] > t: concat b "-" > > t => "a-b-1-2" >
Hi Þemseddin, normally I use a substitute of the original rejoin primarily proposend by Andrew rejoin: func [ "Reduces and joins a block of values." block [block!] "Values to reduce and join" /with string [ string! ] ][ if empty? block: reduce block [return block] if with [ block: next block forskip block 2 [ insert block string ] ] block: head block append either series? first block [copy first block] [ form first block] next block ]