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shell32 rebol pro?

 [1/3] from: bry::itnisk::com at: 29-Oct-2003 18:32

Did anyone ever do anything for calling shell32 with Rebol?

 [2/3] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 29-Oct-2003 11:20

Hi Bryan, b> Did anyone ever do anything for calling shell32 with Rebol? Do you mean calling *any* function in shell32.dll or calling a particular function (i.e. ShellExecuteA)? Yes on the former, and "maybe" on the latter. :) That is, I haven't mapped *all* the functions in shell32, but I have done some. -- Gregg

 [3/3] from: bry:itnisk at: 29-Oct-2003 21:12

well I was thinking of that as a possible future project, first to collate all functions already mapped, then to map the rest of them, I found your implementation of drag+drop, although I couldn't get it to work earlier at work (will look at it again in the morning) and I found someone's implementation of ShellExecuteA, not sure if that's yours or someone elses. haven't check it out yet. Of course once one has ShellExecuteA a lot of the other functions can be faked. for example the methods of the Shell object.