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Newbie: Spell-Check

 [1/5] from: mattymattkim::hotmail::com at: 27-Oct-2002 22:06

Hi, I've stumbled upon the Spell-Check algorithm put together wonderfully by Andrew Martin (and edited by a few others). I would like to use the spell check (without the GUI) for simple spell checking functionality in my scripts. However, after trying to understand the code, I can't figure out how to use it! I've stripped the part involving the GUI and this is what I'm left with (i hope). To use it, would I write: Output: spell "Helo, this is a test." Secondly, how would I use the "Spell-HTML" function to ignore any email address posted in the sentance? Ex. "Helo, I'm writing from [joe--example--com]". Thanks!!! Matt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rebol [ Name: 'Spell Title: "Spell Checker and Corrector" File: %Spell.r ] wd: %./ ;insert your Spell directory path here Spell!: make object! [ Directory: join wd %Spell/ if not exists? Directory [make-dir Directory] File: %Dictionary.txt Dictionary: make block! 0 Ignored: make block! 0 Additions: make block! 0 error? try [Dictionary: make hash! sort/case load Directory/:File] Lower: charset [#"a" - #"z"] Upper: charset [#"A" - #"Z"] Alpha: union Upper Lower WordMatch: [some Alpha opt [[{'} | {-}] some Alpha]] WordStart: WordEnd: Original: Correction: Before: After: Cancelled: None set 'Spell func [ {Spell checks and corrects (with user interaction) the text supplied.} Text [string!] /extra {Extra rule to match before matching words. The rule may of course include actions.} rule [block!] ][ Cancelled: no if not extra [rule: " "] parse/case/all Text [ some [rule | WordStart: WordMatch WordEnd: ( Before: copy/part WordStart -29 Original: copy/part WordStart WordEnd After: copy/part WordEnd +29 Correction: copy Original if not Cancelled [ if not found? any [ find/case Ignored Original find/case Additions Original find/case Dictionary Original ][ ;Show-GUI ] ] ) :WordEnd | skip ] ] if not any [ Cancelled empty? Additions ][ append Dictionary Additions clear Additions save Directory/:File make block! sort/case Dictionary ] Text ] ] Spell-HTML!: make object! [ alpha: copy Spell!/Alpha non-space: complement charset " ^-^/" to-space: [some non-space | end] tag: ["<" thru ">"] url: [some alpha ":/" to-space] email: [some [alpha | integer! | "."] "@" to-space] rule: [tag | url | email] set 'Spell-HTML func [ {Spell checks and corrects (with user interaction) the HTML supplied.} Text [string!] ][ Spell/extra Text rule ] ] _________________________________________________________________ Broadband? Dial-up? Get reliable MSN Internet Access.

 [2/5] from: al:bri:xtra at: 28-Oct-2002 17:22

Matt wrote:
> I would like to use the spell check (without the GUI) for simple spell
checking functionality in my scripts. However, after trying to understand the code, I can't figure out how to use it! I couldn't figure it out either. :( A spell checker really has to ask the user/writer, "is this [gobeleegook] really a word or is it a mistake?" and then change it's store of right words appropriately, and then repeat the above for the next suspicious word (if necessary). Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169 -><- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Kim" <[mattymattkim--hotmail--com]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Monday, October 28, 2002 4:06 PM Subject: [REBOL] Newbie: Spell-Check
> Hi, > I've stumbled upon the Spell-Check algorithm put together wonderfully by
<<quoted lines omitted: 31>>
> WordMatch: [some Alpha opt [[{'} | {-}] some Alpha]] > WordStart: WordEnd: Original: Correction: Before: After: Cancelled:
> set 'Spell func [ > {Spell checks and corrects (with user interaction) the text
<<quoted lines omitted: 60>>
> [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- -- File: Spell.r [ Rebol [ Name: 'Spell Title: "Spell Checker and Corrector" File: %Spell.r Home: Author: "Andrew Martin" eMail: [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz] Date: 22/Jan/2001 ] Spell!: make object! [ Directory: join wd %Spell/ File: %Dictionary.txt Dictionary: make block! 0 Ignored: make block! 0 Additions: make block! 0 error? try [Dictionary: make hash! sort/case load Directory/:File] Lower: charset [#"a" - #"z"] Upper: charset [#"A" - #"Z"] Alpha: union Upper Lower set 'Spell function [ {Spell checks and corrects (with user interaction) the text supplied.} Text [string!] ][ WordStart WordEnd Original Correction Before After Cancelled ][ parse/case/all Text [ some [ WordStart: [some Alpha opt [[{'} | {-}] some Alpha]] WordEnd: ( Before: copy/part WordStart -29 Original: copy/part WordStart WordEnd After: copy/part WordEnd +29 Correction: copy Original if not Cancelled [ if not found? any [ find/case Ignored Original find/case Additions Original find/case Dictionary Original ][ view layout [ across label "Not in Dictionary:" return text Before field Correction text After return button "Ignore" [ unview/all ] button "Ignore All" [ append Ignored Original unview/all ] return button "Add" [ append Additions Original unview/all ] button "Change" [ WordEnd: change/part WordStart Correction WordEnd unview/all ] button "Change All" [ replace/case/all WordStart Original Correction unview/all ] button "Cancel" [ Cancelled: yes unview/all ] return button "Quit" [ quit ] ] ] ] ) :WordEnd | skip ] ] if not any [ Cancelled empty? Additions ][ append Dictionary Additions clear Additions save Directory/:File make block! sort/case Dictionary ] Text ] ] ]

 [3/5] from: mattymattkim:hot:mail at: 27-Oct-2002 23:51

Hehe... didn't you write the spell check program Andrew? Perhaps my view is overly simplistic, but doesn't it just scan through the dictionary.txt file and determine a best matching word? Matt
>From: "Andrew Martin" <[Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz]> >Reply-To: [rebol-list--rebol--com]
<<quoted lines omitted: 238>>
>[rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the >subject, without the quotes.
Matt Kim If everything is under control, you are going too slow -Mario Andretti _________________________________________________________________ Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month.  Try MSN!

 [4/5] from: al:bri:xtra at: 28-Oct-2002 18:39

Matt wrote:
> Perhaps my view is overly simplistic, but doesn't it just scan through the
dictionary.txt file and determine a best matching word? No. It's doesn't do that. :) I was going to use something like Allen's soundex to guess appropriate words that would be suitable replacements. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169

 [5/5] from: greggirwin:mindspring at: 28-Oct-2002 9:15

I know Volker has developed a bit of spell checking stuff, but I'm not sure what state it's in, or if he's planning on publishing it anywhere. Maybe he'll jump in here. --Gregg

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