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Database Compactness?

 [1/2] from: robbo1mark::aol::com at: 21-May-2002 9:43

This is one for the guru's or Rt staff, Which of the following provides a more compact and secure representation for a database? an object! db1: context [ group1: [#1 "A Value"] ] or a block! db2: reduce [ 'group1 [#1 "A Value"] ] They both allow path retrieval ie.
>> db1/group1/#1
== "A Value"
>> db2/group1/#1
== "A Value"
As well as insertions / removals
>> append db1/group1 [#2 "A Thing"]
== [#1 "A Value" #2 "A Thing"]
>> probe db1
make object! [ group1: [#1 "A Value" #2 "A Thing"] ]
>> append db2/group1 [#2 "A Thing"]
== [#1 "A Value" #2 "A Thing"]
>> probe db2
[group1 [#1 "A Value" #2 "A Thing"]] I welcome help / opinions on this matter for the REBOL-TRIPLES project to design and create REBOL/ASSOCIATES database which aims to produce a "Sentences" like product with associated model database. thanx, Mark Dickson

 [2/2] from: ingo:2b1 at: 21-May-2002 23:49

Hi Mark, [Robbo1Mark--aol--com] wrote:
> This is one for the guru's or Rt staff, > > Which of the following provides a more compact and secure representation for a database? > > an object! > > db1: context [ group1: [#1 "A Value"] ] > > or a block! > > db2: reduce [ 'group1 [#1 "A Value"] ]
I don't know about the security aspect, but think they'd be equal. Comparing creation time / space efficency, blocks clearly win I'd _guess_ that objects are faster for lookups, but I don't know. (And using hashes instead of blocks is the worst for creation time / space, but I don't know how it works for lookups.)
> They both allow path retrieval ie. > >>>db1/group1/#1 >> > == "A Value"
> As well as insertions / removals > >>>append db1/group1 [#2 "A Thing"] >> > == [#1 "A Value" #2 "A Thing"]
<..> But there would be a problem when it comes to adding a new group to the object! case, I don't know if this might pose a problem in this specific case, though. I hope that helps, Ingo